Day 315

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Day 315
July 12, 2022
11:55 PM

Dear Diary,
I have a tiring day and I become productive. I got my membership and ID in philhealth and beside of that I finally finished my part in Singkaw. I will just revised some of it to be submit it by tomorrow. I am glad because God gave me a mother that is full support and always there to guide me in everything. Also, we have a bible study that tackle about rapture or the end times. Honestly, in this topic we refresh about word of God and we understand the book of Revelation. Even though, I got sleepy because of our journey with my mom, still I give time for the Lord because the wisdom that I will have is the best thing that I need.

Respectfully yours,

Always prioritize the things
that you think for you;
enjoy every detail of it
and no matter what happen
go for the best for you.

-Manunulat Rosel-

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