Day 174

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Day 174
February 21, 2022
10:39 P.M.

Dear Diary,
This day makes me productive, I write an update to my on-going stories and I manage again another writing contest. Well in fact I am just a facilitator there, however I want that to challenge my skills on how to be more multi tasker as a person. And I am looking forward that I can grow more, and stay for who I am. By the way Dia, thank you for your inspirational messages. And it helps me to encourage and avoid the stress and not too be emotional. You know what, I am looking forward too to him that he will act his words I don't want it to be so fast but prove it with his actions. And the rest, my day is just an ordinary with different thoughts but full of inspirations.

Respectfully yours,

Whenever you
grow little by little,
you will face a lot
of things; don't
rush it instead
remember why
you did it.
Have a purpose
and passion
on it.


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