Day 232

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Day 232
April 20, 2022
11:59 P.M.

Dear Diary,
My day is little bit annoying because of the what happened again, my account is restricted and I don't know what I made wrong. Still, I don't  want to totally ruined my day, so I just write and focus in revising my first story. You know what Dia, I found out a lot of errors: technicalities, plothole and the grammar so I start all over again to make it great piece. I realized that those days remind me how I trust my skills and the talent that I have because I finish one story. More over this, I also want to explore more and hoping soon it will be granted. I will hold my own book wherein I am the author.

Respectfully yours,

Get to know more
of yourself by
doing another
observation, editing
and most of all
accepting criticizing
because from that,
you will grow as a
best of you.


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