Day 235

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Day 235
April 23, 2022
11:58 P.M.

Dear Diary,
I am blessed today not because Saturday is before God’s time, but I remembering God’s goodness is really overwhelming. I am thankful to God’s provision and guidance. Besides of that, we tackled in our bible study awhile ago about how powerful is God and all the things that we have is from Him. Additionally, little by little I am totally recovering from my past, still, I want to continuos my self-care and most of all always trust the process. I am not fine from the pain, and I will not allow myself giving anything to someone that I love, have limitation and always trust God. Keep going and continue living.

Respectfully yours,

If you want to see
the closure of truth,
step forward and embrace
whatever results you have.
Forgive and forget, and
accept God’s work for you.


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