Day 186

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Day 186
March 05, 2022
10:48 P.M.

Dear Diary,
I just expect again not him but about my progress but still I know, I do my best and I think it is valid even I didn't maintain it. However, I know life is always giving you different factors of struggle wherein you need to go the flow or you will absorb it;  and then take a risks in order for you to be strong. But after what happened today I am still blessed because I know God  have always a perfect timing to everything, all I need to do is just be glad and accept those hardships and continue to go. God is always giving me a lot of opportunity to grow and remember His power and blessings. Never compare, never rush just be you and stay productive.

Respectfully yours,

You can be mad
but never end
your destiny.
Just accept
the results,
avoid similarities
and comparing.
Be contended
for what you
have achieve.
Stay humble,
stay happy
and be


The 365 Days letters of Angge (PT2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें