Day 196

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Day 196
March 15, 2022
11:58 P.M.

Dear Diary,
I have a difficult day because my mom worried about our bills and I am thinking for it too, but instead of giving a lot of stress to my mind I pray to Him that He will use someone and God is really great. He always tests us and thankfully we are still trusting Him and surviving another day. But overall, I am still trying to be okay because the pain is here and I am still hurt to the person that broke me into pieces. I just realized that even you do everything, it will useless and you will not received the truth that you want. And I am productive today because I finished all the tasks that I have in Singkaw and I enjoyed editing. Looking forward that I finish my update again.

Respectfully yours,

You don't need
to think and think;
because His promises
will be yours, just trust
and remember it.

And if you are in pain,
take it and accept
because the learning
will be mark you
and you will be
understand it, soon.


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