Day 287

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Day 287
June 14, 2022
11:01 PM

Dear Diary,
I have a tired day because I attend a job fair. Even thought it is my first time, I am glad that I experienced it together with my friends. I am looking forward to that we will be hired and to have a job immediately, not because we need money, but rather to help our family financially. Besides of that, I become productive today even I am totally drained mentally. I am thankful to God for always helping and reminding me that I can. And to the man always there for me, he is the one to make me happy and make me feel better. I hope soon we met, personally. I admire for who you are.

Respectfullt yours,

Just enjoy
every single moment
and don’t waste your
time for doing nonsense.
Be captivated and be a
fighter of your battles.
God is with you and there
is someone who caught you, always.


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