Day 299

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Day 299
June 26, 2022
11:55 PM

Dear Diary,
This day is last Sunday in the month of June and I can say I have a lot of struggle that tested my faith, and I am blessed that I still focus on God’s plan. Honestly, even though I forget Him or do mistakes like I just focus on the world thoughts, He is still there and always fulfill me with His word. I am happy that after all what happen to me, I am now brave and doing great. Anxiety lead me to find Him more abundantly—seek Him more.  After all, I want to rely on my future together my faith in Him. Aside from that, I am looking forward to that I can create a lot of templates to pursue my desire to go in the world of freelancing. I can do this, God is with me forever.

Respectfully yours,

Your perspective
will help you to catch more
about what you want;
but faith will recognize
your growth and
key to hope in Him more
and do amazing actions.


The 365 Days letters of Angge (PT2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن