Day 207

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Day 207
March 26, 2022
11:55 P.M.

Dear Diary,
I am glad today because I was signed non-exclusive in Readoo. I am looking forward that I can earn money so that I can help to my parents. Honestly, I was so frustrated because of our debt– my parents problem. I was thinking too much lately, that ended up for breakdown again. Still, I thanked God for helping me to calm down and our bible study taught me that obstacles are the challenges of the Lord. And I know God has a plan for me, to us. I will just believe and remember Him always. And never based on my feelings so that it can't distract me for my goals and plans.Anyway, thank you Dia for letting me to write this. I love you, always.

Respectfully yours,

Not all the time
the happy ending
alarmed you
the both side
will be rise
and give you
time to think
and choose.


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