Day 179

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Day 179
February 26, 2022
11:47 P.M.

Dear Diary,
This day make me busy for doing my task in TMS. However, I enjoy it because I see how can I multi task and of course to organized them. I am glad also because PL discuss more inspirational lessons that helps writer to grow, and for me this will help me to be more passionate and to continue my journey. But after having a busy moments, I am looking forward about us, I know this part is not clear because of having misunderstanding. Hopefully we can talk it in personal and clarify the things that we think we are having a hard time.  I want to understand and feel peace, again.

Respectfully yours,

If things make
you busy,
it will reflect on you
but always adapt the
good traits and wear
the best of you.
Disregard the bad
and improve yourself.


The 365 Days letters of Angge (PT2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon