"valerie, shut up! you don't even know what love is." the two sister went back a forth.

"yeah, cause that isn't love. you're delusional."

their mom had finally heard their arguing, and ran to valerie's room, opening the door wider and speaking up to stop them. "stop! enough."

valerie's head whipped to the side at the sound of her moms voice, and let out a quiet groan at the fact she knew there would be more yelling in minutes.

maddy stood up, pushing past her mom. "valerie's a bitch."

val's eyebrows raised, and tried to walk past her mom to follow maddy, but her mom grabbed her arm to prevent her from doing that. so instead, she just yelled it. "how'd nate's charges drop? huh?"

valerie knew that would cause a reaction out of maddy, and maddy knew, val knew the real story about what happened the night of the carnival.. she knew nate was guilty. so it caused maddy to stop dead in her tracks, not wanting her mom to start asking questions. but she was tired of arguing with her sister, so she just said, "mind your business."

valerie pulled her arm out of her moms grip after that, walking back over to her bed and throwing herself down. she mentally prepared herself, knowing at any moment her mom was going to speak up.

"where have you been?" and she did.

val let out a sigh, burying her face deeper into her pillow. "victoria's."

her mom knew that's where she went anytime she was gone for days, but she still asked just because.. her and valerie didn't have the greatest relationship, she didn't know much anymore.

"why are you always leaving, val?" her mom asked, sitting down on her bed next to her.

valerie let out a groan, covering her ears in hopes her mom would walk away, but she stayed put.

"i mean-." her mom started again, but valerie had enough, and raised up. "i don't know, mom, maybe because every time i'm home all we do is argue? it gets fucking tiring after awhile!"

in all honesty, she didn't want to raise her voice at her mom. she hated how her relationship is with her now, but after the argument with maddy and her already being annoyed with that.. it just happened.

her mom looked taken back, but also got annoyed when valerie yelled at her.. not finding it fair when she leaves all of the time. "because you leave without asking me! you're fourteen, you can't do whatever you want to!"

in this moment, valerie would've probably gotten up and left to victoria's like usual.. but victoria was also in trouble with her mom, so she just shut her mom, blocking out everything else her mom said to her, and eventually her mom walked out of her room, and valerie fell asleep.

...but not even an hour later, she woke up to a call from her best friend. knowing she was most likely grounded, she jumped up and answered.

"vic?" she spoke, her voice a little raspy from just waking up.

"hey." victoria said, snickering a little.

"i thought you would've been grounded.. are you okay?" valerie asked.

"yeah- i'm okay." victoria took a pause, "and yeah, i am grounded.. but i found my phone so."

valerie chuckled, "what happened, anyway? why are you in trouble?"

victoria didn't want to tell valerie, she knew she'd feel guilty and she didn't want that, but as soon as she was silent for too long, valerie spoke up again so victoria sighed and told her anyway. "my mom saw my tattoo."

and valerie did. in that moment, valerie felt more guilty than she had about anything in awhile. being the reason her best friend is grounded? fuck, she thought.

vic knew this by her silence, and quickly spoke up again. "it's not your fault, val.. i could've said no, and i didn't. okay?"

valerie shook her head, even though victoria couldn't see it. "okay.."

and victoria chose to change the conversation, "did you just wake up? you sound tired."

and for about an hour the two talked about whatever they could think of, valerie told victoria what happened when she went home, and victoria told her everything about the argument she had with her mom and dad. valerie felt better than she did an hour ago, all it took was speaking to her closet friend.


sorry for the slow ass updates, i haven't been home in like a week and i had no time to write. but i have some ideas so i'll try to get them done, but i also started school so i'll just have to see how that goes (time wise and all)

but HOLY SHIT, 5k views already !! thank you 💞

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