Chapter 10

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Paris, France

"Man I'm stuffed, Nothing like some good food to make you feel better." Walking along the streets of Paris taking in the scenery, it reminded him of some of the islands he adventures with his friends when they cause hell for the world government. Great times indeed.

He figured Asia and Raynare went to rent a room for there stay, although he should be looking for this curse user guy but that wouldn't be fun, he's gotta explore this place and then kick this guy's ass.

Maybe exploring a bit more he could find something out about this guy since he doesn't even know what this person looks like.

Yosh! A plan has been made.


"Hm?" Luffy looked behind him where the shout came from a bunch of lightly armed individuals came rushing at him.

"There he is!"

"We're about to be rich!"

Let's get ourselves a dead straw hat!"

Luffy looks at them and shot a glare at them and each one of them fell to the ground unconscious.

Luffy looks at them and shot a glare at them and each one of them fell to the ground unconscious

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After that walked past the unconscious bounty hunters on the ground.


Over 17 have been reported missing and they didn't know where to start looking for them.

It made Gabriel frustrated that there was nothing that could go on.

"So nothing has been seen or heard from about those poor souls?" Gabriel asked her fellow Angels and they shook their heads.

"The reports have been coming from numerous churches but unfortunately we were too late to respond." Uriel responded, sighing at the fact that no progress was being made.

They knew this treaty was gonna be tough to achieve.

"I have something to report that might help." Looking at Dulio, Gabriel's brave saint and they motioned him to continue.

"Most of these reports have come from Kuoh, the same place where the siblings of Leviathan and Lucifer are stationed to watch." Dulio finished his statement.

"Tch, of course it would be a devil to do something like this. We should go down there and question them ourselves." Raphael, the Angel of wrath declared.

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