Chapter 9

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Kuoh, Japan
ORC Building

"So do you have any idea why we were contacted by our siblings?" Sitting down in her chair with bags under her eyes while Sona shook her head, "No idea, but whatever it is it must be serious for them to meet here." She stared at Rias and noticed her falling asleep.

"Why are you so sleepy? Was there anymore strays that we missed?" Rias shook her head and waved her off yawning,

"It's not that, I've just been working on my magic is all..." Sona would've pursued further but decided to let it go.

Two magic circles which they were quite familiar with appeared in the middle of the room to reveal their elder siblings and immediately Serafall hugged the life out of her but Sona noticed something embarrassing,

"Y-y-you really wear that to work Onee-chan?!"

"Eh, what's wrong with it?" Cutely tilting her head and Sona was going to explain but just ran her fingers though her hair and just gave up.

She couldn't escape it even if she tried.

"We were so worried about you both, Ajuka's evil piece system has been tinkered with somehow." Sirzechs told them and he notices his little sister flinch slightly,

'Shit! He noticed!' Cursing herself for slipping up and her brother continues,

"Rias? Do you know anything about this?"

"No not at all, it shouldn't even be possible. Did they find who did it?" Her brother shook his head.

"No, but from what we've gathered the person lives or stays here in Kuoh." Serafall sits down in the love seat near the window Sirzechs did the same taking the couch in front of the heiresses.

"Rias? Do you know who it is?" The crimson satan asked again only this time he was in his leader mentality and Rias shook her head tiredly.

"No... I don't know." She muttered.

Sirzechs gaze never left her but eventually he relented and his big bro personality came to surface.

"Okay, I believe you. But there is something you both need to know."

The heiresses gave him their full attention and he continues,

"We've felt the power of Red dragon emperor here as well alongside the presence of the first human here as well."

Fuck... their onto them.

"The red dragon emperor is here as well?!" Rias tried to play dumb and pretend she didnt know anything about it.

"The presence of Adam as well?" Sona asks

"That's not all, there's been movement reported from the monster association as well so be on guard, do not underestimate those monsters." There is already one monster that was sealed away that gave them a fight for their life. But for some reason they felt was only tip of the iceberg.

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