Chapter 23

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Blue eyes focused on the ceiling in the elegant room. Sasuke was currently in the bath, where Naruto could vaguely, distantly hear the sounds of the shower running. He didn't move, didn't want to move, he just wanted to lie there, staring at the ceiling. In a little while he would get up, get ready to head home.

It was morning, the sunlight filtering through the thick curtains at the far window to his left. They had said they were going to leave but as per usual with them, and after so long of no sex, one thing had led to another, as so here they were, still in the room they had disappeared to the previous night.

To be honest, he felt a little guilty about stealing away from the party, not telling anyone where he was going, that Sasuke had finally arrived. And he felt especially bad about leaving Kiba. He had been so crushed, he felt he should have stayed and comforted him more.

He sighed and squirmed slightly in the soft sheets.

Then there was Sakura stuck with the bowl-haired guy. Not that he felt too bad about that, though.

But those two, "Hyuuga" and "Sabakuno", they concerned him a little. He had frozen up, so lost and confused in his feelings about Sasuke, about everything. He shut his eyes and rested his wrist over the crook between nose and forehead and pursed his lips.

Things weren't going well. He had decided, in the end, that everything was okay, that he loved Sasuke and he had tried to squash the feelings of loneliness down. He felt so weak, being so dependent on Sasuke to keep his spirits up, to keep from feeling like a child waiting for someone to notice him. But then, as a kid, that's how Naruto had been. Always watching, waiting, hoping someone would notice him and ask him to join in their games.

It had seemed like forever, before he had been able to become friends with Kiba and Sakura. And now, to him, they were vitally important to him. And Sasuke, too, was becoming someone vitally important to him.

It was scary. He had decided that he loved Sasuke, but his emotions were in such a tumult then, he felt he needed to stop and really think about it. Yes, Sasuke meant a lot to him, so much that when Sasuke was late, when he had thought, maybe, he wouldn't come, he had been stupid enough to let himself get caught up by those two guys, "Hyuuga" and "Sabakuno". In his right mind, he never would have allowed that.

He frowned to himself. What had he been thinking? When that damn Hyuuga kissed him, he should have shoved him away. Or had the Sabakuno guy kissed him first? He couldn't even remember. All he knew was he shouldn't have let it happen. He had seen how angry Sasuke had gotten about it, but he hadn't even blamed Naruto. Instead, he had let Naruto yell at him, had apologized about being late, when really, Naruto was the one who had committed the bigger crime last night.

He could feel his cheeks heating. What kind of a person was he, allowing that to happen? How could he betray Sasuke like that? Sasuke had been nothing if not good to him. A little demanding, a little possessive and jealous, but if they were really lovers, then that was okay. After all, they were lovers- that's what he'd told Iruka, and that's what he had wanted.

Well, at the start of this all, he had just wanted the perverts around him to leave him alone. But really, if he had met Sasuke under different circumstances, he still would have fallen for him. Even with all of his possessive qualities, there was a lot about Sasuke that he liked. Of that, he was certain.

And Sasuke... Sasuke cared about him. He wouldn't have reacted the way he did, wouldn't have let Naruto get away with so much, if he didn't. It was clear to Naruto, now, that Sasuke would let him get away with anything, just so long as he was his, in the end. But still, he was really starting to think Sasuke had a right to be angry, had a right to be furious that Naruto had acted so fickle.

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