Chapter 9

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Really, Naruto was very confused. Now, normally, he wasn't this confused about things in general. Though most people assumed he was just a dumb blonde who didn't have a thing in his head (except for thoughts of ramen, of course) and a nice ass, he really was a smart guy. He caught on to things quickly (usually) and sometimes was actually more observant than most. However, right now, he was completely, utterly, miserably confused.
What had just happened? How did he end up in a taxi speeding down the road toward his apartment (his assumed destination) with Iruka sitting beside him, nervously biting his nails (when did Iruka-sensei start doing that?) and muttering strange, seemingly death-threats, under his breath? Why was he ditching work (something he knew there would be serious punishment for, most likely having something to do with giving Tsunade a pedicure, manicure, and any other sort of "cure" her demented mind can come up with), ditching that- and here was the really hard part- incredibly handsome, insanely rich, possessive, and arrogant as hell, dark haired Sex God?

His mind continued to fumble over that, trying to reconcile the lack of Uchiha groping him and the presence of a slowly going insane former teacher/ foster father sitting beside him. Really, had he not made it all clear? He thought he had. He did say "Uchiha's my lover" hadn't he?

The blond nearly tore his hair out trying to figure out what the hell went wrong and why the fuck he wasn't making out with the sexy Uchiha in his office right now. Because quite frankly, since their little talk had been going so well (before Iruka-sensei's appearance), Naruto had begun hoping that he would be spending the rest of the evening with Sasuke, and- dare he have hoped- the night.

Naruto let his mind wander, imagining all that would have happened had he been granted that wish, that near fantasy he had been replaying in his mind for the past week. In all his hopes, it had been there, taunting him, reminding him of that night he had spent with the Uchiha in the hotel, and wishing that there would be a repeat performance. And hey, there was, so he felt himself entitled to the prospect of several more repeat performances, because fuck, that Uchiha performed well.

He busied his mind with recalling how well the dark haired man performed, and he succeeded so well, he didn't realize the taxi had stopped and he was being yanked out of the car toward the front door.

Cloudy blue eyes blinked at the ever approaching door, struggling to bring his mind back from the smut-laden land it had wandered off to, Uchiha Sasuke as half-naked tour guide.

"Ano, Iruka-sensei-" Naruto finally managed to mutter, "this isn't where I live."

"Of course not, Naruto! Do you really think I would allow you to go home alone? Who knows if that devil knows where you live! He might find you and break in and do... things... to you. Unspeakable things, Naruto. Unspeakable!"

Naruto watched Iruka's back as his former teacher forced the door open and barreled on inside, his blond-haired luggage still in tow. Thinking it over briefly, Naruto figured now probably wasn't the best time to inform his teacher how many "unspeakable" things he had already done with the raven. And in what unspeakable locations.

He went red again remembering that little experience.

Iruka shoved him onto the nearest couch and began pacing as he continued to chew at his already overly abused fingernails. So Naruto took the time to glance around the room, reacquainting himself with the furniture of the small house Iruka had owned for years now, a place he himself used to call home. He caught sight of the luggage by the doorway, still unpacked, and marveled that Iruka must have gone to see him immediately upon his return to Japan. Which brought back that other, still yet unanswered question: just why was Iruka-sensei back early?

Naruto looked up and watched as his old teacher paced. It really was a puzzling question. Had his mother-hen senses picked up on the whole "Naruto is being molested, must rescue and destroy perverted lecher" thing? Why else would he rush back from a free trip to Italy and head immediately to Naruto's office without even unpacking first?

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