Chapter 16

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Naruto spent the next hour in his room, practically huddled in a corner. He kept stealing glances at the slight noises that arose from outside his room, his eyes scrunching in suspicion when hearing any sounds which indicated the two men were in close vicinity to each other. Unsupervised.

He shuddered to think what they could be doing, or considering doing, in his poor apartment.

But the clunking and clanking of the dishes, the smell and sound of rising steam on the stove, the beeping of the microwave, the sounds all continued. And soon the smells wafting into his room stirred the growling of his stomach, the time drawing ever nearer to when he would be expected to leave his safe haven.

The knock that heralded his new doom known as Dinner With Iruka's New Freak-Boyfriend soon rang through his small, quiet room. He took a deep breath for resolve and called out his acknowledgement, before taking another breath and rising to his feet. Slowly he trotted out, closing the door firmly behind him (he figured, if they had no problem on a couch, best not let them see there was a bed in the vicinity) and made his way to the table now set with dishes and steaming plates of yummy smelling, and looking food.

The small wood table had been decorated with his most expensive, most respectful dishes, all placed out on placemats. A vase of flowers rested to the side so as not to block anyone's view of each other- better for conversation. Iruka had even utilized the little fox chopstick holders Naruto kept stashed away.

The blond hesitantly took his place across from the masked/ one-eyed freak and stared gloomily at his plate. Iruka had baked fish, a full course meal. Glancing around the table, he was surprised to see he even had all these ingredients in his kitchen at all. Steamed vegetables, salad, miso and- he was especially surprised to note- green tea. He thought he had run out long ago.

Iruka sat down in a great rush, his cheeks flushed as he looked happily between his adopted son and his new love, gleeful at having such an opportunity to eat with them both, especially after that little... incident, earlier.

They said "Itadakimasu" and started eating.

One bite at a time in silence, Naruto hoped, prayed, that the dinner would pass swiftly and just as quietly, hoping to god that they would leave him soon to his knocking his brains out to erase the many unwanted images that still continued to plague him whenever he happened to glance upward.

Unfortunately, Naruto was cursed.

"So, Naruto-kun, Iruka was just telling me about your boyfriend. He good in bed?"

"Kakashi!" Iruka shrieked.

Naruto promptly choked on his fish, causing Iruka to roughly pat his back to help unclog his throat. Naruto took a sip of his tea and sighed, hoping he had imagined that question.

He looked up. The Eye-patch Man was looking at him, waiting for an answer.

"Uh, I..."

An eyebrow rose, waiting.

Naruto could feel the heat in hi face as he recalled just how good his lover was in bed, especially this past weekend, and how good he was in places other than bed... But no, he couldn't tell perverted One-Eye any of that, so instead, face still hot, he turned to Iruka and promptly changed the subject. "How was school today, Iruka-sensei? Everyone glad you're back?"

"Oh, yes," Iruka answered after a moment of relief, glad Naruto had changed the topic. He had been starting to look green. "They all had so many questions about Italy. It was all very educational." He smiled and nodded happily.

Naruto joined in the happy nodding, and Kakashi, his body sagging in disappointment at his question having been ignored, decided it was his turn to put in his two cents.

Possessive or Jealous || SasuNaru ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt