Chapter 11

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Uchiha Sasuke sat at his corner of the conference table, stacks of papers neatly piled before him on the polished wooden surface. The curtains of the large windows on the other side of the room were pulled open, allowing the large room to flood with the light of the lazy Monday afternoon sun. The room was mostly silent as the men, predominantly older, took their seats, mumbles of annoyance or the slight forcefully polite greeting towards the young Uchiha being the only sounds aside from the rustlings and scrapings of the chairs. But the youngest man didn't pay much attention. He just wanted to get it all the hell over with. He had more sheets of pristine papers piled atop his office desk, all awaiting his prominent and extremely valuable signature to grace their smooth surfaces.

Really, he just wanted the day to end so he could go home already.

The door to the room opened once more and all sound vanished as another man strode confidently through the room, business suit impeccable, expression blank and foreboding, his dark eyes sweeping across each man before resting on the young Uchiha, pinning him to his expensive leather chair.

Sasuke held in an irritated growl at that condescending look. If there was anyone who could rile him up that way, it was this man who now stood prominently at the head of the table, dark orbs sweeping once more over the assembly. Oh yes, Uchiha Sasuke's greatest enemy, and unfortunately, his only family as well. Uchiha Itachi, the elder brother from hell.

Or at least, that's how Sasuke liked to think of him.

When he was certain all eyes were on him, the elder Uchiha nodded once and took his seat, silently calling the meeting to order.

One by one, the men began to speak, voicing what they considered to be important financial and business matters, all in pompous, overly-loud, excessively monotone voices. Sasuke steeled his will, ordering his increasingly mutinous mind to keep from falling asleep.

But really, it's not like he wanted to be here, at this meeting, at this time. Or any time really. He hated these meetings. But as the younger Uchiha and one of the heirs of the company, he had no choice. He had to do what was expected of him. After all, not only was he a major part of the company, but he was one of the rising stars of business.

Not that it really seemed to matter. At least, not to Uchiha Itachi.

Sasuke held in a long-suffering sigh. He knew, inherently, that no matter how much the world would acknowledge him, his "beloved" elder brother would not. And he furthermore knew these meetings were part of what, to Itachi, constituted as further proof of the younger Uchiha's incompetence in the family business.

It wasn't Sasuke fault. He just hated the self-righteous bastards who thought they knew what was best for his father's company. Because obviously, he didn't agree. And had he the power, things would have changed, and quickly. But Itachi was the one in control, and Itachi had decided to make things as difficult for Sasuke as possible, while still gradually adopting ideas Sasuke had initiated. And it was mostly due to this that he invited Sasuke to these board meetings for show, more than anything else. Everyone in the room knew the younger man held no authority there. His role only became one worth noting outside of that pristine conference room.

Out there, Sasuke's sphere of control was greater, and he was more than just the younger Uchiha.

But Sasuke wasn't too worried. He might hate the meetings now, but one day, he would definitely surpass his elder brother, and then, things would change.

Meanwhile he only had to bear with the demeaning gazes of the old geezers, the triumphant smirks from his elder brother, and the excruciatingly slow passage of time. He could handle that.

After all, he was an Uchiha.

Tuesday was over, and the raven haired man made his way through his expensive apartment, sighing with relief. Only one more day, then Itachi would be out of the country for a few blissful days.

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