Chapter 12

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When consciousness returned to Naruto the next morning, the sun shining into his eyes, the first thing that fully registered was the pain in his back. He shifted and frowned as the sharp pain assaulted him. It seemed... so strangely familiar... But why? Where had he felt an ache like this before?

He shifted again and felt a warm weight press into his side. It seemed comforting, so he snuggled closer, shutting his eyes again in favor of the warmth and the chance for more sleep.

Something warm and gentle touched his right eyelid. Curious, he let his eyes flutter open again. They widened at the sight of a handsome face mere inches away from his own, dark, sexy eyes fixed on him. And finally, he remembered.

"Sa-Sasuke?" Naruto sighed and flinched again as he tried to shift on the bed once more.

"Moron. If it hurts, don't move so much."

The blond man frowned. "It wouldn't hurt so damn much if you didn't have to screw me so hard. And long."

"And where would the fun be in that?"


A strange noise filtered into Naruto's ear, something that sounded suspiciously like a deep, quiet laugh.

"Are you hungry?" The dark-haired man sat up and stretched, the sinewy muscles of his back leisurely presented for Naruto's viewing pleasure. He nearly drooled. Or maybe did drool. He was too busy staring to tell.

Dark amused eyes caught Naruto's blue ones as the pale man stood, blue orbs once more finding purchase on the nakedness of the other man. If he wasn't drooling before, he definitely was now.

"You know, you still haven't answered me, moron." Sasuke leisurely reached down and picked up a pair of discarded boxers before slipping them on, extremely aware the blond was still staring.

"Huh?" Naruto asked oh-so-eloquently.

"Are you hungry?" Sasuke asked again as he pulled his pants on.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Food would be nice." Naruto was still trying to pull his mind back together from the sleep, from the ache, and from the gorgeous sex god in front of him who was still half naked.

Sasuke nodded and drew back toward the bed, reaching over and planting a gentle, chaste kiss on the blond's unsuspecting lips. Naruto blinked owlishly as the dark-haired man pulled back, smirk in place, and vanished out of the room.

Naruto blinked once more, before only now, finally, it began to register in the blond's mind, with the sexy distraction gone, that he was currently lying in his own bed, and that the raven haired man seemed to have made himself comfortable in his apartment rather quickly.

Naruto frowned before cautiously forcing himself out of bed and onto his wobbly feet. He clasped onto the bed as he hefted himself up, feeling his sore muscles strain, the sharp sting of his stretched hole, the ache in his lower back.

He flinched as the pain flooded his senses then retreated, took a step forward, only to gasp as the pain made itself known once more.

With this process he slowly made his way to the bathroom, hoping a warm shower would sooth the ache and calm his senses, not to mention wash away the remains of sweat and the dried semen on his stomach and... other areas.

At last, at last, he was standing in his nice little bathroom, the water running from the faucet in the tub, the blond waiting for it to reach a nice, steamy temperature.

While he waited he grabbed a towel from the cabinet below the sink, setting it beside the tub where it was easy to reach, and then tested the water. Satisfied, he turned the knob to its shower setting, grit his teeth to the pain of lifting his leg over the side of the tub, and got in, a rush of relief flooding him as the water cascaded down his back. He sighed luxuriously and let the water do its job.

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