Chapter 7

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The door opened again to Tsunade still laughing, the sound filling the room as she again took in the, rather delicious, view of the two men still sweaty from their previous... activities. Naruto blushed, as was his way since the whole ordeal with "getting laid" began, and Sasuke had the decency to glare at the interruption.
"Seriously, though. Meeting in ten minutes. Get out." Tsunade turned serious, honey-colored eyes to the two men, before meeting the dark eyes of the Uchiha and grinning wickedly. "Oh, and Uchiha-san, see me in my office as soon as you're dressed." The large breasted women nodded and left, shutting the conference room door firmly behind her once more.

"Shit," Naruto muttered into the sudden silence. During the intense pleasure the Uchiha so easily filled him with, he had forgotten he was still at work.

"Hn," Sasuke grunted, pulling out of his blond and picking up their fallen clothes. He dressed quickly but impeccably while Naruto stumbled to get off the table (leaving a slightly wet surface) and clumsily dressed. He wiped off the excess fluids dripping down his thighs with some tissues conveniently left by the door (damn that Tsunade-baachan, didn't even see her holding them), and soon he was presentable, nearly enough to pass off the fact that he had just had hot, sweaty, amazing sex with the incredibly gorgeous Uchiha Sasuke. And if Naruto weren't so loud, they probably could have gotten away with hiding that fact.

But Naruto was, by nature, an extremely loud person, especially so during sex, apparently. And so as soon as the door to the Conference room opened and the composed Uchiha and a slightly messy blond walked out, the office fell silent and many pairs of eyes turned to watch them. Just to the side of the door stood some harassed looking businessmen, all looking put-out at having to go and have a meeting in that room (oh, yes, they too heard all there was to hear- which was a lot). The raven, of course, paid them no heed and walked out of the room as though he owned the building, which, he could have, you never know.

Naruto sheepishly followed the stoic man, doing his best to avoid eye contact with anyone, his face still red with embarrassment at having taken notice that it seemed everyone knew. He took a peek at the Uchiha's face and caught a glimpse of his highly satisfied smirk. The jerk. He was glad they all knew! Maybe he did it on purpose, and if he had, then! Wait... wasn't that the point?

Naruto nearly missed a step in his confusion. If everyone was supposed to know that his ass now belonged to the Uchiha, then it was a good thing they all heard- undeniable proof right there. He ass was saved. Sort of.

And that was what they had all been after.

But this isn't what he wanted, damnit! He didn't plan on having sex at work, in the middle of the day, after having just come back from eating lunch! Not when he had to go back to that hard chair and sit there for another two hours on his now incredibly sore ass and bruised hips (damnit, did that bastard have to hold on so hard?). But then again, Naruto was sure the raven must have some interesting bruises as well, heh. Oh yeah, payback. Wait, wait, stay on track. Focus brain, focus!

Blue eyes scanned the room, accessing the damage. Now they all knew. They all knew he had given his ass to the sexy- I mean, the rich and arrogant Uchiha Sex God- I mean, bastard.

But yeah, these people weren't supposed to find out like this! They were supposed to be threatened, sure, but they were used to that. And they were supposed to hear rumors or something, and... and sure, that the Uchiha actually came and claimed him in front of everyone was fine. Also out of the original plan, but, eh, whatever. But hey... what was the original plan? How did they figure to make sure everyone knew about the "relationship" Naruto had with so-and-so rich and handsome and possessive jerk again? Wait... did they have a plan for that? Gah, can't remember! Damnit Kiba! Naruto swore he would strangle the mutt first chance he got. As soon as his ass stopped hurting. Damnit.

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