Chapter 3

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He could still feel the taste of the handsome man on his lips as Naruto headed into the crowd of people, looking for one of his companions. He searched for Sakura first, but when he couldn't see her, he turned to look for the largest source of alcohol, figuring that's where he'd find his boss.
Honestly, he couldn't believe he was doing this, that this was happening. He was actually going to a room with a complete stranger, sex the obvious result. He sighed and tried to slow his racing heart.

It's not like the guy wasn't someone who, obviously, turned Naruto on more than he ever thought possible. He cast his gaze around again, not seeing anyone he recognized. He sighed in annoyance. He couldn't wait around all night for someone to show up so he could leave.

"Naruto!" he heard a shout calling him from behind. He turned and saw Sakura approaching him, Lee following behind, hearts dancing above his head and stars in his eyes as he gazed at the beautiful girl.

"Where have you been? I've been looking everywhere for you. I thought for sure you had run off and ditched us and the plan!" she scolded.

"No, just went out for some fresh air. Did you know there's a balcony over there?" he asked, pointing in the direction he'd come.

Sakura just shook her head. "Well, now that I've found you, how's the search? I'll bet you haven't even been looking, baka."

"Uh, actually..." Naruto trailed off, rubbing the back of his head nervously. "I was just coming to find you tell you I'm leaving. With, you know... a guy. To... to do... stuff... like..."

Sakura's green eyes grew wider with each added mumbled word. "You mean, you're going to have sex? Now?"

"Uh... yeah."

"Who is he? Is he handsome? Does he fit all the criteria?" She looked around fervently, trying to catch a glimpse of anyone who appeared to be waiting for her blond friend to join him.

"Uh, he's waiting at the entrance. And yeah, I think he fits. I mean, he's definitely good-looking. And he looks rich. He's wearing a really expensive looking watch. And uh, I'm not sure how possessive he is, but..."

Sakura smirked. "Well, I won't hold you up any longer. Go, and have fun," she said, giving him a sly wink indicating how much fun she thought he'd have.

He blushed and nodded. "I'll, uh, see you on Monday, Sakura-chan."

She nodded and he turned in the direction he thought the entrance might be, only to have Sakura turn him in the proper direction. He smiled at her once more and headed off into the crowd, his heart speeding up again as he cast his eyes around for the sexy raven haired man he was leaving with.

He spotted the man standing against the side of the entryway, his arms crossed as he leaned in a lazy and overwhelmingly sexy manner against the wall. There were girls ogling him from both sides of the entryway, but he didn't seem the least bit interested. He didn't even show signs of having noticed. Once more blue eyes met obsidian and the man stood from his position.

"Ready?" he asked as Naruto approached.

"Yeah," Naruto nodded. He followed as the raven led him away from the noise of the party. It was only then Naruto realized he didn't even know what the stupid party had been for.

He rushed to catch up with the raven, noticing in the light that surrounded them now that the man's hair held a strange tint of blue, and noting how well-shaped the man was. Slim but slightly muscled and tall, he was incredibly gorgeous. And Naruto was going to sleep with him. His heart starting racing again; not sure if he was anxious because it was his first time, or if he was anxious because it was with such a person.

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