Chapter 14

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Naruto's back ached. A lot. But then, that fact wasn't really too surprising, considering he had sent the great majority of the weekend on his back, the gorgeous dark haired Uchiha Sex God thrusting into him repeatedly.

Really, that guy didn't know when to stop. It was like his sex drive was never ending.

Naruto sighed and wobbled toward the elevator. It was Monday and, even though Sasuke was adamant about not allowing Naruto to go to work, the blond had a feeling if he gave in to the raven again, not only would he just spend the day, again, on his back on any number of surfaces around his apartment, he'd never be allowed to go back to work. And, as a result, neither would Sasuke.

The elevator door opened and he stepped in, not having noticed the few other people who had gathered behind him. He recognized one man as one of those among the ranks of his Ass Fans and began to inch away. The man kept glancing in his direction, but his eyes would avert almost immediately.

Naruto remembered Thursday, what Sasuke had done and said, but... Was Sasuke really that scary? He was so horny, Naruto could hardly see him as anything near scary. Unless he wanted sex and was being denied it. Then he could be a terror.

Naruto smirked. Somehow, the raven's almost inexorable sex drive gave him a weakness, which he didn't seem fully aware of. The blond had noticed it on Saturday, when he had been tired and grouchy after nearly no rest from sex on Friday during the day and throughout that following night.

He had resorted to ignoring Sasuke, locking himself in his bedroom while Sasuke brooded out in the living room. Really, Naruto had never known anyone with so much pride could stoop to practically begging to be let in. He acted like a kicked puppy.

And that's when Naruto realized- with the unrelenting sex, he had gotten Sasuke practically addicted to him, and as a result, he had Sasuke wrapped around his finger.

When he'd come to that realization, he had made a series of orders through the door. He wanted his kitchen and living room cleaned, spotlessly. And he wanted ramen. Lots of it. From Ichiraku (his most favoritest ramen shop).

And of course, in return, after he had eaten, of course, Sasuke would be allowed in the bedroom, and Naruto would be waiting on the bed.

Within the hour all had been done as he requested.

By Sunday he had also noticed the puppy-dog eyes worked too. Though the pout, it seemed, had the opposite effect, and if it was employed, he'd find himself being ruthlessly humped before he knew it.

All in all, however, it had been a good weekend. And for the first time in a while, he didn't feel lonely, and he was nearly brimming with happiness.

But what had been best about the previous weekend, he decided, had come on Friday, after Sasuke's never-tiring libido finally took a break. They had been curled up in bed and Naruto had been on the brink of falling asleep. After all, he hadn't gotten much sleep the night before, what with his new lover impatient to map out his body.

His tired mind had started thinking through the day's events, and he remembered the discussion that morning, about that Itachi guy, and the other thing Sasuke had mentioned.

He looked up at the tired, handsome face (Naruto's head had been resting against Sasuke's chest), and poked him awake. Sasuke grunted and glared at the blond, who smiled brightly up at him.

"I have a question," he stated, unaffected by the Glare of Death now shining down on him.

"What," Sasuke grouched.

"What time is your date tomorrow?"

The glare intensified. "What?"

"You mentioned your brother set you up on a date. What time are you going?"

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