Chapter 10

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Uchiha Sasuke sat in a chair in the dark, his midnight black eyes focused on the lights shimmering outside. The room was on the fifth floor, high up enough to get a decent view of the skyline, which was visible over the smaller buildings across the street, as well as be able to watch the lights of the passing cars below.
He sat with his elbow on the arm rest of the comfortable leather couch, his chin in his hand as he watched the sky grow darker outside of the large window, the curtains pulled to the sides allowing for a larger view. Even as the sky grew darker, he never shifted from his position, never bothered to get up and turn on the light. And even as it grew colder, he sat and waited.

Waited? Uchiha Sasuke, waiting?

He couldn't quite believe it either.

But still he didn't budge. And he was determined that he wouldn't. No matter how long it took.


Uchiha Sasuke was livid. He stood rooted to the spot as that insane man took away his Naruto- his Naruto, dammit! But he knew it wouldn't be easy to chase after them, knew that, right now, as things stood, he wouldn't win. But damn, Uchiha's hate to lose.

He turned and calmly sat down in the nearest chair across from where his beautiful blond dobe had been sitting not too long ago, rested his chin in his hands, elbow resting on the cool wood, and thought. He could hear the rustling and murmurs of work continuing on as normal outside the blond's office, the sounds of people arguing over the phone, bosses yelling at subordinates, papers rustling, crazy psycho women screeching out for more sake-

Wait a minute. Sasuke stood suddenly and made his way to the doorway, his dark eyes glittering subtly as a plan formed in his mind. He stood in the doorway as Tsunade continued to shrill, an apparently empty bottle of sake still clutched in her painted claws.

"Shizune, who the hell drank my sake! Why the hell am I still sober?"

The shouting continued and Sasuke took his chance. He walked calmly out of the doorway and stood feet away from the still shrieking, still seething blonde woman and took on a calm, lazy stance. "Tsunade-san."

She stopped mid-screech and turned honey-colored eyes to the Uchiha. "What the fuck are you still doing here?"

"Naruto had to leave early," Sasuke began, readjusting his coat in his arms.

Tsunade smirked. "Told you Iruka was scary. Good luck handling that."

"Yes, about that..."

"Don't think I'm going to help you. Not my job. I help the little blond twit, not you."

It was Sasuke's turn to smirk. "Yes, and you will be helping him. I'm sure you must be aware that he wants me. All that stands in our way right now is his... father." Sasuke cringed. He had never been on very good terms with his own father, and he didn't like the idea of having to deal with one that could be certifiably insane. But for that blond... The raven sighed internally. It seemed he would be willing to go along with anything for that blond.

"As I said, good luck with that. I have no place in this fight."

The Uchiha's smirk grew. "And I'm not asking you to. All I want is some... information on Naruto."

A blond eyebrow rose. "Information?" She eyed him wearily, instantly regretting it as she once more realized how incredibly handsome this man was. Plus she seemed to be getting a headache from lack of alcohol. "I'm not telling you anything, and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise. Iruka will know, and frankly, I'm more afraid of him than you, Uchiha."

"Oh? Nothing? How about... a year's supply of unlimited sake, all paid for by Uchiha Corp, delivered straight to you, as often as you wish."

Silence stretched between them, Tsunade's eyes slowly growing wider and wider as the prospect stretched before her. Never again without sake for the next year. Never an empty sake cabinet, never empty...

Possessive or Jealous || SasuNaru ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang