Chapter 19

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The date was set upon, and too soon, it arrived. Kakashi and Iruka had determined Sunday night to be ideal, and so, Sunday night, Naruto and Sasuke made their hesitant way to the exclusive restaurant Sasuke had reserved for the occasion.

It was a big night, after all. As he had told his beautiful blond, it was important for their future together. And thus, he had deemed it necessary to select the ideal location for the dreaded- ah, that is, momentous- occasion. Therefore, pulling out every unfortunate, forced encounter with overly pompous restaurants and their stiff-necked employees, he had selected one that was, not only impressive, but tolerable. If this couple they were meeting were as bad as the idiot claimed, they needed that much at least.

The place decided on was elegant, and extremely expensive, and Sasuke easily managed to secure a table in a private area. In Naruto's mind, they would need all the privacy they could get. The agony was best left within the "family".

They were the first to arrive.

After much yelling, screeching, pulling and shoving, Sasuke had managed to tear Naruto away from the safe blankets of his bed where he had hidden, forced him under the shower and nearly ripped half a dozen outfits trying to get them on the squirming blond. Really, he would rather have been trying to take the clothes off the squirming blond.

From there Sasuke had the privilege of dragging a screaming idiot to the waiting car, then been forced to listen to threats, fake sobs, and temper tantrums the entire way to the restaurant. He was doing all this for the blond, but really, he wasn't sure the headache he now had could get any bigger.

Dragging Naruto by the sleeve, who was now attempting to gnaw his hand off, Sasuke managed to make it into the restaurant, even managed to ignore the critical stares. A few properly placed glares took care of those.

They were led to their private room, seated, and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

Really, Sasuke was starting to develop a tick around his eye.

After an hour and a half of waiting and a petulantly loud blond, Sasuke was about ready to storm off. But then the shoji door of the room opened and a flushed man whom Sasuke seemed to vaguely recognize as Enemy Number 1, a.k.a Naruto's foster father, walked in, followed by a man who seemed strangely, vaguely familiar. Where had he seen a freaky, gray-haired masked man before?

Naruto wheezed beside him as he dragged the shorter man up while he stood and bowed politely. The two new arrivals bowed back before all four seated themselves around the table.

For the life of him, Sasuke could not remember the last time he had found himself in such an awkward situation. Naruto was looking anywhere but at any of the three he sat with, his cheeks tinted pink and his teeth clenched. Iruka was staring fixedly at his hands in his lap, his face flushed and his clothes a bit disorderly. That was a bit surprising there. After all, this was a very exclusive restaurant and Iruka was supposedly always so anal about neatness (according to Naruto).

The strange masked man was grinning at the group as a whole, not really doing much but looking content. Sasuke, for his part, was ready to just get this all over with.

And so, bravely clearing his throat, he spoke. "Well, I suppose introductions would be proper. I am Uchiha Sasuke, Naruto's lover."

Naruto turned a deeper shade of pink and nodded hesitantly, eyes fixed on the table.

Masked-man-san grinned, though how Sasuke knew that he wasn't sure since he couldn't see the lower half of the man's face. "I am Hatake Kakashi, Iruka's lover."

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