Chapter 1

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Naruto glared at the brown haired man sitting causally next to him. Rather than feeling offended at the glare, he was grinning, making his appearance seem more like that of a mad man with the red triangular shaped tattoos on his face, his eyes dancing with glee. Seeing he was not getting his point across here, Naruto turned to the pink haired girl on his other side, who sighed at him.
"Naruto, glaring is not going to make it any less true," she mumbled, rubbing at her head. Being around these two idiots always gave her a headache.

Kiba chuckled and gave the blond a hard whack on the back, making him grunt at the loss of air. "Face it, Fox Face. You've known it for years now, why make a fuss now?"

"Why?" Naruto nearly growled in annoyance. "Because I fucking can't stand it! What the hell kinda nerve has that ass got to feel me up! And at work!"

Sakura sighed again. She could understand where he was coming from. Having been told for years he had "an extremely fuckable ass", he should be (annoyingly) used to it. But for some random person to actually go around feeling him up was not good. If it had been her, she would have hit the guy hard enough to knock him into unconsciousness.

"Naruto..." she began, looking at the blue eyed man wearily. Honestly, she hated having to lecture him, especially at a time like this. "There's no need to lose your temper. All you have to do is-"

"Yeah! That's it! Get laid!" Kiba called out, sitting up from his chair in triumph so suddenly it fell over and clunked loudly against the wall that was just behind him. Sakura's green eyes glared at him furiously for being interrupted.

"What the fuck? Kiba, don't be an ass!" Naruto hollered. There was that headache again, Sakura groaned.

"Yeah, that's the answer! Brilliant!" Kiba continued on, chuckling evilly.

"And how is that the answer?" Naruto demanded, his face scrunched up into a pout.

Kiba fixed his chair and sat back down, ready to explain his brilliant plan to the blond idiot. "Alright, I know you've been in denial about having an incredibly fuckable ass, no matter how many people tell you. And I know you go around pretending to like girls and get turned down left and right." Naruto's eye twitched. "So I know you're as much of a virgin as you were when you were born, perverted teachers aside." Naruto's eye twitched again. "But just think about it. All you really have to do is pick some random guy and let him fuck you up the ass and then all your problems are solved!"

Naruto's eye twitched again and he continued to glare as fiercely as possible in Kiba's direction. "And how," he growled out through clenched teeth, "do you suppose that will solve my problem?"

"What do you mean how?" Kiba frowned.

"I think you left out some important details of your so called 'brilliant' plan'," Sakura provided.

"Like what?"

"Damnit Kiba!" Naruto screeched. Kiba sat back and thought about it a moment, Naruto fuming and Sakura trying to alleviate her steadily growing headache. Shouldn't she have learned by now hanging out with these two was more trouble that it was worth?

But when Naruto had rushed into her office, face flushed and begging for her advice, she couldn't do anything but follow him back to his own office where Kiba had already made himself comfortable. Of course the blond wasn't stupid enough to ask Kiba's advice; the brunet had just seen Naruto in his flustered state and decided he might as well be kept in the loop and see what was happening. Maybe he could get some good taunting material for later, not to mention some entertainment now.

Finally Kiba spoke again. "You know, I didn't mean just any random guy."

Blue and green eyes perked up at the possibility of further explanation.

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