Chapter 25 - Insurmountable Odds

Start from the beginning

This irritated Kojika slightly as she was already 17! She was going to be a legal adult in most places soon!

She slashes once again only to have Buffy dodge easily. The strike wasn't even close, frustrating Kojika further.

"Damn it!" She wouldn't give up however so taking a step back she tosses a few more ofuda which hit their mark and released a burst of spiritual lightning.

Buffy shrugged it off, tearing off the paper easily but he didn't make any moves to attack Kojika instead backing up.

"Tsk, you wolf breathed idiot she's trying to kill you, at least disarm her if you don't want to hurt her." Gumi scoffed but seemed to not be very intent on seeing the rest of the fight as she went into the abandoned factory and closed the door behind herself pretty soundly.

"I-I really don't get why the big boss keeps someone like her around..." Tibbi mumbled but was easily heard by the beast man who grunted in agreement.

He stared at the Kojika looking deep into her eyes where he saw such a great rage even a somewhat slow witted person like himself had to think.

Anger was directed at Stray Devils all the time however her anger seemed a great deal more personal almost similar to hatred. He didn't remember doing anything for such a child to hate him however perplexing him greatly.

"Yo brat. What the hells the matter with you?" He questions loudly without any tact.

Kojika's eye twitched and she threw more ofuda that yet again hit their target.

"You tried this twice already-" Rather than shock him however he was surprised as tree roots erupted from the ground tangling around his limbs restricting his movements.

Taking this chance she rushes with her hand pulled back ready to stab the beast man in the stomach. Just as she gets close and her blade moves in for the strike Buffy breaks out of his binds and slaps her with the back of his hand sending her into a nearby tree.

She hit the tree hard enough to make vision blurry for a moment and her sword was no longer in her hand but instead embedded into the ground uselessly nearby. Perhaps normally she wouldn't lose her grip on it, however her lack of good living conditions and her poor diet made her far weaker than she normally was, which was already pretty weak.

Her limbs felt flaccid and her forehead wet with blood. She was for the most part a regular human, no perhaps she was actually far weaker physically than most humans her age.

"Sh*t! Kid are you alright! Don't just come at a guy with so much killing intent!" Buffy yells stepping towards Kojika with genuine concern only to be alerted by a sudden cry from Tibbi.

"Buffy watch out!"


"What!?!" He looked to the side only just fast enough to catch a glimpse of the fireball blowing up in his face forcing him to take a few steps back from the force.

Reginleif runs up to Kojika as a raven perches itself onto her shoulder.

"Just wait a second, I'll get you back on your feet as soon as possible." She reassures Kojika while healing her with minor magic. "Tosca, do you think you can hold him off for a few seconds?"

Tosca looks towards the man towering over her and grips her spear tightly with fear, her body shaking a bit as well.

Still however she stood there and nodded in affirmation.

"More brats! God- UGHHH!" The beast man suddenly went to curse using God's name but was hit with a splitting headache.

Using this opening Tosca attacked, thrusting her spear she managed to make a small cut on his abdomen despite being unused to the weight or even using a spear in general. However she stumbled slightly leaving her wide open.

"Call of Lightning!" Reginleif calls out the spell and instantly a bolt of blue lightning falls from the sky striking Buffy and stunning him.

Reginleif had learned how to weave more runes together and even how to cast more basic spells instantly without even having to move her hands to write the runes.

Tosca slashed at Buffy putting a much more substantial slash wound across his chest before clumsily backing up. She was starting to get a feel for using a spear already and actually found herself liking the freedom to engage and disengage with her substantial range advantage.

(What the hell, the wounds made by that damn spear aren't healing.) Buffy observed feeling his wound and drew his hand back to find it soaked with blood.

These kids were serious so he couldn't be so relaxed anymore, and with a weapon like that he might actually be in a slight bit of danger.

"You brats really don't understand what you're getting into!" Buffy yelled at them finally taking a more offensive stance with his claws ready and his beast like teeth were bared in warning.

"She's healed but I think she may be out of it." Reginleif said about Kojika upon stepping next to Tosca. "Remember not to let your fear get the better of you as well Tosca!"

The raven flew off of Reginleif's shoulder promptly but perched itself on a nearby tree to observe the upcoming battle just as it was ordered to by its master.

"Right!" Tosca replied enthusiastically. Reginleif had put multiple defensive runes onto the junior using up quite a bit of magical energy, but it was a necessity not only because of her extreme amount of inexperience but also because Cebrail had left her in charge while she was gone.

Reginleif wouldn't defy the Seraphim Princesses expectations, just like Cebrail did for her she would protect this precious junior of hers and possibly even get praised!

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