Chapter 5: Blood Trail

Start from the beginning

“What the hell? You’re not— “

The reaper turns around and pulls out 2 sticks of lit dynamite.

My eyes widen and before I can start running, it blows up.

I open my eyes a couple of minutes later, and that nutcase just blew the entire Neon’s power.

Moya starts to talk.

“What the hell happened? The entire Neon just went dark,”

“That's ‘cause one of those maniacs blew up a whole substation... man, my head feels like it's in a vice…”

I can barely get my words out.

“Your body must be reacting to the absence of electricity. You're going to have to hurry up and find Brandon. If we don't restore the power, the reapers will be unstoppable”

I try to stand and I almost fall over, 

“This is unbearable. Shit..”

I try to support myself on a nearby trash can. 

“Did they plan this, ‘cause it’s sure as hell working,”

I sit and try to gain my composure. After a few seconds I start getting used to it, not fast but enough.

I close my eyes and sense for nearby neuro-electric energy. It’s hard to explain but it’s sorta like a radar for electricity.

I sense something below me, it’s in the sewers. I make my way to a nearby manhole cover and jump down.

“All right… I tracked the echo to the sewers,”

I produce lightning from my arms for a source of light.

“The reapers must've needed Carey's help in shutting down the underground linear transformer,”

“There should be a transformer down there. Find a way to get it back online. You can re-establish a circuit, right?”

“I’ll try,”

I head forward and navigate through the sewers and after a bit I find the transformer. One side was full of electricity, the other was bone dry. If I put my hands on both sides, I could transfer the electricity from one side, through my body and to the other. I walk up and put my hands on the 2 ends of the transformer and let the energy flow through me, but I start to see... something… 

In a type of dreaming and subconscious state, I see … myself?

I put my hands together, gathering electricity and reached out towards a civilian on the ground. Electricity cascaded across their body and they got up like nothing happened.

“Wh...What the hell?”

Then, the scene shifts to a street, with a reaper on the ground, I see myself walk forward and stomp my foot on the reaper’s chest, after my foot makes contact, lightning materializes around it’s wrists and ankles and he becomes bound to the ground by the lightning.

The scene changes again, it’s another reaper and he’s on the ground. I see myself lean down next to him and reach for its head. It trying to push my hand away, but the second that my hand makes contact with the reaper’s skull, the neuro-electric energy is drained from the reaper, and kills him instantly, leaving it lifeless on the ground.

“Are these.. new powers..?”

When I regain consciousness, I’m on the ground.

“New powers, huh? Guess I could use a bigger arsenal,”

When I finish saying that I hear someone yell for help just ahead.


“I’m coming!”

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