"They're coming?" He repeated with a raised brow.

"Eyeless Jack and Skully."

The male dropped his hands down to his sides and huffed. He then began to walk down the one hall that led to three doors, one down the center, one to the left, and another to the right. The one on the left was open and he pushed the door open a tad bit more before entering.

After tearing her eyes away from the door, Y/n surveyed the room a bit better. A fuzzy, red, circular rug covered the center of the boxish room. Two red (but faded) couches sat around it, one against the wall where the covered window was and one to the left (her right) of it. There was little room for a kitchen, but Y/n noticed a small fridge in the corner of the room on faded, black and white tile with a coffee table sitting right next to it.

"Sit down already, would you?" A voice came from down the hall, but when Y/n looked, the man was nowhere to be seen. He was still inside the room he previously entered. She couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed and moved to take a seat on one of the couches. Upon finally settling down, she relaxed into the cushy material of the furniture and sighed.

After a few minutes passed, the man exited the room, closing the door harshly behind him with one hand. The building shuddered from the force, but nothing else happened. He held a large, white medical case in his right hand, the red sign on the box worn and faded, but she could clearly see darker substances splattered on other areas of the item.

"Stay here...and do not enter the door at the end of the hall," he hissed, his eyes narrowing. Y/n stared at him unflinchingly and nodded in reply. They held eye contact for a moment longer before he finally left the cabin, shutting the door the same way he did to the one down the hall.

The cabin was silent, all except for a distant clicking of a clock from somewhere in the house. The walls were probably thin since all the doors were closed, but Y/n didn't mind it. She felt rather comfortable being in a place that was...a little bit close to safe; safe as she could be, at least. Nobody except the killers knew where this place was, well, that was as much as she could deduct from this place.

The h/c-haired girl pried off her tennis shoes, the pads of her feet throbbing with much-needed rest. She had done nothing but run and stand for the past week with little rest (except the time in the cave). Y/n swung her legs over so her body was laying entirely across the comfortable couch and let out a second sigh. Surprisingly, she liked this smaller cabin as it wasn't so...obvious. It wasn't just a few miles away from the road like her previous temporary home was.

Y/n yawned, her eyelids drooping over her tired eyes as she fought to stay awake, but she couldn't keep them open. This couch was just way too comfortable...and the rumbling of the storm clouds in the distance was just too alluring.

Just a short nap... She thought to herself, drifting off into a relaxing slumber.


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