Chapter. 44

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Lee continued to walk and I followed him.

"Over there you have the forge" Lee said pointing to the right just after the strawberry field as I looked to where he was pointing I saw a building covered in soot with white marble columns that lined the walls. on the roof were chimneys with puffs of smoke that were starting to die down as campers started to walk out also covered in soot. the building was also next to a stream and had large waterwheels that spun bronze gears.

"If you ever need to get a hold of one of the Hephaestus kids that's the place to look" Lee said

"It's also where they make all their weapons while the rest of us mostly just gave our weapons from the armory that's next to the Athena cabin." Lee said

"I met a child of Hephaestus when we were back in Virginia, his name was Tony and he was somewhere in his late twenties to early thirties. he said he had gone to camp" I said

"Not often you got to meet someone like that" Lee said

"What's that building back behind the forge a little ways" I asked

"That is the pegasus stables" Lee said

"Pegasus stables?" I asked

"A pegasus is a horse with wings" Lee said

"And we have them here at camp?" I asked

"Yep and our cabin has flying lessons tomorrow at 1 but sadly I'm going to have to tell you that you won't be able to fly one, at least not by yourself until your arm heals" Lee said

"I can at least be there right?" I asked

"Of course, you are in good enough health that you don't need to go back to the infirmary unless I'm checking or taking off your cast" Lee said

"Are those the cabins?" I asked pointing up ahead of us.

"Yes they are, and that is the next place we are stopping before we head to dinner" Lee said

We walked over to cabins that were lined in a horseshoe pattern.

Lee showed me each cabin starting on the right.

"First we have cabin 12 which is-" Lee started to say but I cut him off

"Dionysus?" I said

"How did you know?" Lee asked in a joking way as he looked at the grapevines growing all over the cabin before walking to the next cabin.

"Cabin 10, Aphrodite the goddess of love and Beauty among other things" Lee said

the cabin was a wooden cabin that had a painted blue roof and gray walls that had pillars. a checkerboard deck set in front of the cabin and led up to a pink door. by each window were potted carnations and I found myself coughing from the heavily smell perfume that came from the cabin.

"You'll eventually come to deal with the smell" Lee said as he walked to the next cabin.

"Cabin 8, Artemis the goddess of the Moon, Archery, the Hunt, Wilderness, Childbirth and Maidenhood. Artemis is a virgin goddess so she has no children back she does have hunters that are young maidens. Never go in her cabin, I was heard a story about a guy who went in her cabin and it wasn't pretty" Lee said

The cabin was completely silver, even the curtains that I could see hanging over the windows and covering the inside from view were silver. the cabin had all kinds of carvings and paintings of wild animal most of which were stags.

"Never go in, got it" I said taking a step back.

"Next is cabin 6 Athena" Lee said

"So this is Annabeth's cabin?" I asked

"Yep" Lee said

The cabin was a more simple build that was gray with an owl design over the front door. over the windows were plain white curtains. the curtains were mostly closed so I didn't see most of the interior but what I did see were tons and tons of books.

"So I'm guessing the even Cabins are on one side and the odd cabins are on the other" I said

"That's the way it works" Lee said as he walked to the next cabin

"Cabin 4-" Lee said and I cut him off because I already knew who's cabin it was by the look of it because I had met her.

The cabin was a light brown with a roof that was made out of grass. covering the walls of the cabin were tomato plants and all kinds of flowers that also covered the front doorway. there was a porch that had wildflowers and roses growing on it.

"Demeter, right?" I asked

"Yeah...I guess you've heard about her" Lee said

"You could say that" I said

"What do you mean?" Lee asked

"I kinda met her back in Arkansas, but please don't go around telling everyone." I said

"You met her? why didn't you tell me?" Lee asked looking completely shocked

"I don't like to brag, and I don't want anyone to think I'm special or anything just because I've met a few gods, in fact I kinda wish no one had seen Apollo help me out" I said

"I respect that" Lee said then he walked to the next cabin

"Cabin 2 Hera Goddess of the sky, the air, the stars of heaven family and marriage. since she is the goddess of marriage she is one of the only gods besides Artemis who has never had half-blood children so her cabin is simply honorary so no one goes in" Lee said

the cabin was made out of marble that had slim columns with pomegranates and flowers wrapped around them. the walls of the cabin had cravings of peacocks and so did the door.

"Then we had cabin one Zeus the god of honor, justice, lightning, thunder, and kingship. he is lord of the sky and king of the gods. his cabin used to be full of kids back in ancient time but after the big three promised never to have kids it because more honorary like Hera's so it's another no go" Lee said

This cabin was made out of the same marble that The Hera cabin was big it was bigger.

the columns on cabin one were like cabin two only they were heavy and bigger the front door was two large double doors made out of bronze that almost looked like lightning was passing across. in short, it looked like a fancy bank that said I'm bigger and better than you only there was the sound of thunder coming from it.

"Much like the smell from cabin ten, You'll get used to the sound" Lee said then we made it to the other side of the cabins.

"Cabin three, Poseidon the God of the sea, floods, droughts, earthquakes, horses, and storms. since he is one of the big three his cabin is honorary as well" Lee said

The cabin was made out of rough sea stone and the walls had pieces of seashells and coral embedded into it. I notice all the windows seemed to face a beach a little way off and over the front door was a large trident with the number three made out of bronze on it.

Lee walked to the next Cabin and almost looked scared for a moment

"Cabin 5, Ares the God of war, battle lust, rage, and violence. not a cabin you want to mess with" Lee said

The cabin had a roof with barbed wire on it and the walls were painted red and not in a neat way. over the front door was a large boar's head and I could hear Rock music blaring from outside.

"Wait 5?" I asked

"Yeah, why?" Lee asked but before I could answer I got the answer to the question I was going to ask when Clarisse walked out

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