Chapter. 2

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꧁◦°˚°◦.🌞𝙒𝙚 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙡𝙤𝙤𝙧 𝙄𝙨 𝙇𝙖𝙫𝙖🌞 .◦°˚°◦꧂

Sometime during the next class, we got on to the topic of parents. The Teacher, Miss Robinson, decided to let everyone say what their parents did for a living, so I watched as, one by one, everyone got up and talked about their parents. Some had a mom that stayed at home and a dad who worked as a police officer, some had a dad that stayed home and a mom who was a lawyer, and some had a mom who was a firefighter and a dad who was a businessman, but the one thing they all had was a mom and a dad.

"Will?" The Teacher asked, now looking at me

"Can't someone else go?" I asked

"Will, No one is going to judge you for what your parents do, isn't that right?" Miss Robinson asked, looking at all the other kids in the classroom

"Yes, Miss Robinson" Everyone in the class said

"See" Miss Robinson said with a smile

"I...Well" I said, not wanting to go up

"It's fine, I don't bite" The Teacher said, and I slowly got up and walked to the front

"Um, my mom is named Naomi Solace, and she's an alt-country singer" I said

"And what about your dad?" one of the boys in the back asked

"Is he a singer too?" Another Boy asked

"I...I don't know" I said

"How can you not know what your dad does?" One of the girls asked

"Maybe he works for the FBI and can't tell what he does" One of the boys said with wide eyes

"No...I...I don't know because I've never met him" I said, looking down at my feet

"You've never met your dad?" One of the girls asked

"How about we have the next person come up" Miss Robinson said, sensing my discomfort, which made me happy.

I quickly sat down at my seat and looked out the window, just waiting for class to end so that I could go to recess and be outside in the sun instead of stuck in here.

After a few more minutes, the recess bell rang, and I ran out of the classroom and outside, then sat down in the grass and took a deep breath, breathing in the Fresh air. Then I was hit in the fack by a ball.

"Sorry, didn't see you" Hank said with an innocent look on his face

"I'll just move so I'm not in your way then" I said as I got up, but as I started to walk away, Hank followed me and, acting like he was just walking past, knocked me to the ground by shoulder checking me

"You should watch where your walking" Hank said 

"Come on, Hank, don't be so mean" Toby said in the same mocking voice he had used earlier today.

"We should invite him to play with us" Toby said, and I knew this wasn't going to end well

"I think I'm good" I said, and then Hank pulled one of his worst tricks and started to cry before running to one of the teachers

"Mr. Pillsworth!" Hank yelled, and of course, he just had to pick the one teacher who hated my guts.

"What's wrong, Hank?" Mr. Pillsworth asked 

"I just wanted to play with Will, but then he pushed me and told me to go away" Hank said as he fake sobbed 

"You're the one who pushed me!" I yelled 

"Then why is Hank the one crying and not you?" Mr. Pillsworth asked as he glared at me 

"Maybe because I'm not a baby like him" I mumbled under my breath 

"What was that?" Mr. Pillsworth asked, looking even more mad at me

"I said I guess I can play one game with him" I said with a sigh, knowing I wasn't going to win this fight.

"Yay!" Hank yelled before running over to me.

"Let's play the ground, is lave" Hank said with a smirk

"That's a good idea" Toby said before running to the top of the jungle gym while Hank ran over to the dome climber

"The ground is lave!" Toby yelled, and everyone ran for something to stand on so that they were not touching the ground. 

I ran over to the dome climber with Hank since Mr. Pillsworth was still watching. 

I climbed to the top of the done and pulled myself up through the bars, and went to sit on the top, which was a horrible idea because as I started to sit, Hank grabbed my leg and pulled it so that I tripped and my stomach hit one of the bars then I fell to the ground.

"That's for earlier" Hank said  

"Will's out!" Hank yelled, and I slowly got up and started to walk back inside while holding my stomach

"Where are you going?" Mr. Pillsworth asked 

"Nurse's office" I said 

"You fall or something?" Mr. Pillsworth asked. Of course, he hadn't been watching

"Yeah" I said 

"Fine" Mr. Pillsworth said, waving his hand in a go-away gesture.

I walked inside and into the nurse's office

"Will? What happened?" The school nurse Jake asked when he saw me holding my stomach 

"Hank" I said. 

I had come to the nurse's office enough times that I had become friends with Jake, and I found that sometimes I would spend recess with him, and he would talk to me about medical things, which I enjoyed since it was something I seemed to be good at.

"Take a seat on the bed" Jake said, and I walked over and pulled myself up onto the bed 

"What happened this time?" Jake asked 

"I hit one of the dome climber bars after Hank tripped me" I said 

"Looks like a pretty good bruise" Jake said as he lifted my shirt up

"I'm just glad I didn't break anything" I said as Jake felt around my stomach to make sure I didn't break anything

"Right, as always" Jake said with a smile

"Is it bad enough that I have to stay here for a little?" I asked, looking at him hopefully

"I think you should rest for a little" Jake said with a small laugh, knowing that I just didn't want to go to my next class, which was math class with Mr. Pillsworth

"Thanks" I said 

"I'll go let Mr. Pillsworth know that you won't be able to make it to his class" Jake said as he started to walk away

"Jake?" I asked 

"Yes, Will?" Jake asked, looking back at me

"Could you not tell my mom?" I asked, fiddling with my fingers

"Sure" Jake said with a sad but knowing smile before he walked out.

I sat on the bed and looked out the window as I waited for Jake to come back, and as I was looking out the window, I saw a man look up at me from across the street. The man had a green shirt on with the recycle symbol on it. He also wore blue jeans, white tennis shoes, and a hat that didn't seem to fit his head for some reason, and on his chin, he had a long brown gote. When I made eye contact with him, he walked away

Will Solace: The Satyr GuideTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang