Chapter. 27

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꧁◦°˚°◦.🌞𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙄 𝙎𝙖𝙞𝙙, 𝙄 𝘾𝙖𝙣'𝙩 𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩 𝘼 𝘽𝙤𝙬🌞 .◦°˚°◦꧂

As we ran down I saw Hawthorn take out his daggers from under his shirt and Cecil drew his sword so I grabbed my bow.

We got down to where Gleeson and Clarisse were fighting a kobalo that was trying to jump onto cars as they drove by.

Hawthorn run in and slashed a kobalo right as it was about to attack Gleeson and Cecil followed close behind with his sword ready to fight.

I stayed back a little and reached my hand back to try and grab an arrow but as I did I turned just wrong and all the arrows fell out of the quiver and onto the ground.

I knelt down and quickly picked them all bad up and put them back into the quiver then I readied one on my bow and tried to shot a kobalo as it ran at Cecil but I missed and hit Hawthorn's backpack instead

"Careful!" Hawthorn yelled

"Sorry!" I yelled back before I readied another arrow onto my bow.

I aimed it at a new kobalo as it came out from around the building and I hit it's shoulder which only seemed to make it angrier

"There's more coming!" I yelled as 6 more kobalos came from around the building

I shot again and hit the store, then a kobalos foot, and Gleeson's Bat and after about eight not so good shoots I was out of arrows.

Tony had told me that if my father was who he thought that I would know how to use the bow but he was obviously wrong because I sucked at the bow.

Cecil and Clarisse seemed to do doing great with their swords which made me feel a little down. don't get me wrong I was glad they could fight but the fact that they could fight as while as they could when I was as bad seemed unfair.

Clarisse would stab them in the gut with her sword and then sliced up cutting them in half while Cecil would cut one down with a few swings of his sword, when one would try to hit him he moved out of the way with incredible speed and he had a cast on one of his arms I couldn't even kill one?

one of the kobalos jumped onto Hawthorn's back and started to go into his backpack but Clarisse was able to grab it and kill it by throwing it and slicing his head off.

Not being able to shoot the bow anymore I did something stupid and run into the fight because I couldn't just stand there and watch while everyone got attacked

As I ran in a kobalo ran at me and not knowing what else to do I smacked it with the bow and it fell over and shook its head a little dazed before it got back up and ran at me again. I tried hitting it again be it dodged and bite my leg I yelled in pain and hit it over and over with the bow until it let go then Gleeson ran up and hit it in the face with his mace and it exploded in yellow dust.

after a little, we finished off all the kobalos and nothing was left except yellow dust.

"Maybe the bow isn't right for you" Hawthorn said as he walked up to me

"I tried" I said

"Well you didn't hit any of us so thaat's good" Cecil said

"Yeah but I don't help much with the fight" I said

"You can still whistle pretty good" Clarisse said and I wasn't sure if she was teasing me or trying to say something to make me feel better.

"Great" I said

"Hey, that helped a lot with the last fight" Clarisse said

"I guess your right, I just feel like I don't have as many talents as you or Cecil" I said

"Not everyone is meant to be a fighter cupcake" Gleeson said and Hawthorn elbowed him in the shoulder

"What he means is not all half-blood are great in the beginning, some don't even know what all they can do until much later" Hawthorn said

"Really?" I asked

"Yeah" Hawthorn said

"We should get going" Gleeson said as he looked up at the sky

"Your right, we got 30 mintues until the sun goes down" I said

"We should find a place to stay then" Hawthorn said

"We walked until we found a field to camp in. according to Gleeson this was better then staying in a building because we could see everything around us and nothing could jump us from around a corner.

As the sunset, I walked just a little bit away from everyone and said goodnight to my father so no one heard me, and then I walked back.

We laid out the blankets we had in a circle and everyone sat down.

"Should we do watches again?" I asked

"Yeah, I'll take the first watch" Hawthorn said.

Clarisse decided to take second, then Ceil, then Gleeson, and then lastly me.

we figured if everyone took a watch then everyone would also be able to have sleep at some point.

I went to bed and soon I felt Gleeson shake me awake.

"Your go cupcake" Gleeson said before laying down on his blanket and going to sleep.

I sat up and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes then I just stayed there not sure what to do.

After what seemed like an hour or two the sun started to rise into the sky.

"Morning dad" I said and then I heard something from behind me, it sounded like wheels and it was come right at us.

I quickly woke everyone up and as I did I learned never to take Clarisse while she's sleeping. The moment I had touched her shoulder to wake her up her eyes snapped open and she quickly grabbed my arm and forced it behind my back as she pinned me to the ground.

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