Just Friends

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You're heading home from your job, dreading the moment you get into the apartment. You and your girlfriend, Sadie have been having problems lately. She doesn't trust you for some reason and you think it's annoying.

Although if you just talked to her, it would work out. But you're stubborn so you don't.

"Hey," she says when you enter the apartment.


"How was work?" she asks. You're confused. Usually she would be flaming your ass right now.

"Uh, good," you answer hesitantly, "how was your day?"

"Pretty good. I made arrangements for dinner tonight," she says.

"Arrangements? It's not our anniversary is it?" you panic.

"No, no, I just wanted to do something nice for you," she says.

"Oh, well, thank you," you say genuinely. You follow her out to the dining room, where the table is decorated and there's lots of food. Both of you sit down and begin to eat. Everything goes wrong when a coworker of yours calls, "Hold on, I gotta take this."

You step out to take the call. It's Holly from your work. Sadie saw her contact picture pop up when she called. She's a little bit nervous because Holly is the girl that you get in trouble for. Nothing is going on between you and Holly but for some reason Sadie doesn't believe that.

"Sorry, there was a slight emergency," you say.

"No worries. Was that Jake?" she asks.

"Uh, no," you answer.

"Oh, who was it?"

"Uh, Grant," you lie.

"No! It was Holly! I saw her picture before you picked up!" she freaks out.

"Okay, okay! It was Holly!"

"Why would you lie to me?" she asks.

"I didn't mean to! I was.."

"You were what? Finish that sentence," she demands. You just stare blankly.

"I was just talking to her about the emergency!" you exclaim.

"Emergency... yeah right," she rolls her eyes.

"It's true! Holly would never call at this time of night," you point out.

"Mmm, I'm sure she would actually," Sadie says.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, oh, nothing!" she huffs.

"No, say it! Say it!"

"I'm sure she would, seeing as though you guys are always hanging out!" she screams.

"She's a friend! I can't hang out with a friend?" you shout back.

"Not when she wants to be more than friends!"

"My god, Sadie, I don't want her! I want you!" you throw your hands in the air.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't stop if she kissed you, I bet!" she exclaims. You don't say anything back, "See! This is exactly why I don't like her!"

"No, okay! She's a friend! Nothing more!" you shout.

"I don't think she thinks that!" she shouts back.

"Well what the fuck does it matter? You're my girlfriend and I love you! Nothing she does is gonna fucking change that!" you exclaim.

"Sure... sure..." she seethes.

"Sadie, what the fuck? What's the fucking deal?"

"I want you to stop talking to her... or tell her that you are just friends," she says calmly.

"We have to talk for work," you point out.

"Okay, then just say 'hey, by the way we are just friends. I'm not breaking up with my girlfriend anytime soon'," she smirks.

"Jesus Christ, okay," you huff. You pull out your phone and type exactly what Sadie had said. You send it and show it to her, "better?"

"Yes," she answers with a smile on her face. She walks over to you, pushes you down so you sit on the chair. Then she sits on your lap, and gives you a long kiss, "that wasn't so hard now, was it?"

"No, but I know what is hard now."

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