Rum and Coke

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You're at a bar and just having a couple drinks. You're alone but that doesn't stop you from having a good time. You notice a certain redhead walk in.

"Hey, Sadie?" you call to the girl. She turns, "Sadie Elizabeth?"

"Oh my god," she smiles. She remembers you from Broadway. You two met as kids on the set of Annie.

"I can't believe it, what are you doing here?" you ask. She frowns.

"Just trying to have a nice night away from set," she sighs. You nod.


"All the time—-" she stops, "but I'm sure you don't want to hear about me all night long."

"Who says?" you smile. You tap the seat next to you at the bar.

"Are you sure?"

"I've got all night," you tell her. She smiles and sits down next to you. The bartender walks over to you two.

"I'll have whatever they have," she tells him. He nods and walks away to prepare her a Rum and Coke, "I just, I've been so busy and it's been so tiring to be honest."

"I bet, especially since you had so much time off with Covid. You're not used to the heavy workload," you add. She nods.

"Well... not to give out any spoilers... but my part in this next season is so demanding... like it's been a lot for me," she explains, talking about the up and coming new season of Stranger Things, "enough about me though. I haven't seen you in years, what are you up to?"

"Just working really. I've been done with the acting life since Annie," you tell her.

"What do you do then?"

"I run my own animal rescue outside the city. People can adopt any animal but they also don't depend on it. I care for them for their whole lives if they need it," you explain to her. She smiles.

"That's so amazing, I'll have to stop by sometime," she smiles as the bartender comes back with her drink, "thank you."

"Yeah, it's pretty awesome. I have fifteen acres of land to expand onto."

"Wow, I'm impressed," she says, "kudos to you."

"Thanks," you both lift your glasses and clink them. You both catch up on each other's lives, drinking more and more. Eventually both of you drunk and you start flirting with her. You used to have a crush on her as a kid, but obviously you were both kids and nothing happened.

"You know... I-I didn't know you th-that well and after Annie, I..I thought I would never see you again... but h-here we are," she smiles drunkenly.

"Here we are..." you agree, "I'm really glad you came here tonight.."


"Yeah... I-I used to have a crush on y-you as a kid," you slur in your drunken state, laughing after every other word.

"Me? No!" she exclaims wildly, "I was so ugly as a kid!"

"No!" you exclaim with wide eyes and awkward limb movements, "You... you were the star! You're still a star!"

"No, no," she says batting at you like a fly.

"Y-y-you think you are s-so... so much more than what... you are," you tell her

"What?" she asks, drunk and confused

"That you are so... beautiful... a-and you are so talented. You don't s-see... see any of it."

"And you do?"

"Of course! I've known it... si-since the day I joined the cast," you tell her. In the moment, she becomes sober enough to understand and comprehend what you are saying.

"You mean that?" You nod your head.

"And I w-wou-would tell you that... everyday if I could," you say, just rambling pure thoughts without thinking

"Why can't you?" she inquires.

"Well... cause we aren't dating, silly!" you tell her.


"Yeah, I would tell you every day... that you are the mo-most beautiful and... most talented woman, I've ever met," you ramble. She smiles, "Maybe we should date.."

She giggles, "Take me out to dinner first."

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