Drugged Part 2

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Reader as Thomas 'Tommy' Jr. Wheeler

"Tommy, get back here!" Nancy yells at you. Max returns from the bathroom and finds Nancy running across the main floor of Starcourt mall.

"Nancy! I left for two seconds and you've lost him?" Max scolds the girl as she begins to follow Nancy.

"He may be drugged but he's still fast as hell!" she exclaims. Max spots you, stumbling up the shut-down escalator, "Thomas Wheeler, get back here!"

You make a fart noise with your mouth before continuing to climb the escalator, laughing wildly. Max runs past Nancy and races up the escalator. She grabs you by the arm.

"Where do you think you're going?" she asks.

"Ow, Maxie!" you whine as she pulls you back to the main floor, "I... I was g-gonna go shopping."

"The mall's closed," she says.

"Hehe, that's the point," you giggle. You stumble along as Max pulls you back towards the group. Joyce, Hopper, and some guy named Murray are going back to the Russian base where they drugged you. Nancy and Jonathan are supposed to drive you, Max, Lucas, Will, Mike, and Eleven to Murray's house, "I call shotgun."

"Absolutely not," Nancy shuts you down.

"Unfair!" you shout. In the car, Billy arrives, "what's he doing here?"

No one answers. You open the car door.

"Hey Billy—-"

"Tommy!" Max pulls the door shut.

"What? I was just being friendly?"

"Back in the mall!" Nancy yells.

"Go! Go! Go! Go!"

"Why are we running?" you ask while being pulled by Max into the mall. You pant wildly once back in the center.

"Sit down and stay here," Max orders. You sit down and salute her like a soldier to which she just rolls her eyes. She walks off to talk to Nancy, Jonathan, and Mike. You stare off into the distance and in a moment you feel sick.

"Blech!" you throw up onto yourself. The four turn.

"Oh, Thomas," Nancy sighs as she and Max come walking over.

"Jesus Christ, Tommy," Max comments. You look at your hands and shirt, your vision blurry.

"Stand up, it's okay," Nancy says. You stand up and the two lead you away from the mess.

"I got him," Max says. Nancy nods and wanders off to clean the mess.

"Maxie, I smell," you sniffle, starting to get upset from the drugs. Although you've just thrown them up, they are still partially in effect.

"It's okay, Tommy," she coos as you both enter The Gap, "wait here."

You begin to peel off your dirty clothes while she goes to find new ones. She comes back to find you in your underwear. She giggles

"What are you laughing at?" you ask, the drugs starting to wear off.

"Nothing," she smiles, "here."

"Is it the underwear?" you ask, standing in your tighty-whities. She nods, trying not to laugh. You frown.

"I picked out new ones, in the pile," she says. You look through the pile, finding a shirt, shorts, and a pair of boxers.

"Can you turn around?" you ask. She nods and respectfully turns around. You do the same, facing towards the wall. You begin to change.

"You have a cute butt," she says. Your face turns bright red as you scramble to pull the boxers on.


"Sorry! Sorry!" she giggles. You finish putting the clothes on.

"Okay, you can turn around," you announce. She smiles when she sees you.

"You're cute," she says before kissing you. You frown, "Stop it."

She rubs your cheek with her thumb and you both just stare into each other's eyes. She's cherishing this moment, having not lost you. All that is ruined when a big fleshy monster comes crashing though the glass roof.

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