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Reader as Thomas (Tommy) Jr. Wheeler

"Come on, Tommy!" Mike calls to you from the pool. You take off your flip flops and run to jump in. The Party is at Hawkins Pool today, since it's 103 degrees out and none of you want to just sit at home for the day.

"Guys! You forgot to wait for your sunscreen to dry!" Dustin scolds you from your pool chairs. You, Will, Mike, and Lucas laugh at the boy, "when you're all sunburnt and in pain, don't come crying to me."

"I'm sure we'll be fine," Lucas says.

"Yeah, the only one who really should worry about getting sunburnt is Max. Redheads always burn," you taunt. She makes a face at you from the pool chair.

"So funny, Wheeler," she sighs. She walks over to the edge of the pool and sits down, sticking her legs in the water. Dustin joins her.

"If only El could be here with us," Dustin sighs. Mike nods. She remains at Hopper's cabin, inside, away from the world.

"Yeah, I'm stuck hanging out with you losers," Max jokes.

"Well you're no joy to be around either," you reply.

"I was kidding Tommy," she laughs. You don't laugh.

"What's your problem, man?" Lucas asks.

"Nothing, I was just joking too," you lie. The tension in the group grows.

"Let's play Marco Polo," Mike suggests, "Nose goes."

All of you are quick to touch your noses, except Will, who is the last.

"Ahhh, Will! You're it!" Dustin smiles. He jumps down into the pool, making a big splash. Max jumps in as well, more elegantly than him.

"Okay, close your eyes and spin around three times," Mike tells him. Will does and you move away from him.

"Marco!" he calls.

"Polo!" all of you respond. He moves toward Lucas.




At lunch you guys sit on your pool chairs, eating PB and Js Joyce made for you.

"Lucas, can I have your towel?" Max asks.

"Yeah," he hands her his, since he doesn't mind sitting in the sun to dry off.

"Why don't you use your own towel?" you ask kind of harshly.

"I just want to cover up while I lay down so I don't burn," she responds.


"Hey, Tommy, will you trade chairs with me? I wanna lay with Max," Lucas asks.

"What if I want to lay down?" you ask.

"Can't you lay in this chair instead?" he questions.

"I guess, since you two can't keep your hands off each other," you scoff. Lucas stands up and gets in your face.

"What's your deal today? You've been weird towards us all day," he asks.

"There's nothing wrong," you huff.

"Are you sure? Cause you just seem to be pissed off or something," he asks, getting closer to you.

"Back up," you say.

"Why don't you?" he challenges. He pushes you slightly. You push back harder and before you know it, both of you are fighting.

"Stop! Stop it!" Mike yells.

"Lucas, Tommy, stop!" Max shouts.

"Knock it off, you dumbasses!" Dustin shouts. Lifeguards begin blowing whistles and Max's step-brother Billy jumps down from his chair. He runs over and separates you two.

"Stop it! Both of you are coming with me!" he says, holding both of your shoulders tightly. He drags you both towards the main office, "get out and stay out. You're banned for the rest of today."

"What?" you exclaim.

"Our's stuffs in there," Lucas explains.

"Sorry, I'll have my sister bring it home to you, Romeo," he scoffs and begins to turn away.

"What about me?!" you shout. He turns around and just shrugs, "thanks a lot."

"You started it!" Lucas blames.

"Well if you wouldn't have pushed me!" you shout back. The Party comes out to where you guys are, all of your stuff packed up for you.

"Nice going, goons," Dustin scoffs as he heads for his bike. Will walks past as well, Mike following behind.

"I can't believe you," he says, shoving your bag in your chest and walking away.

Max does the same to Lucas, "Max, I—-"

"Go home, Lucas," she orders. He sighs and starts walking to his bike. You and Max just stand there, watching the others ride away. You begin to walk away, but she stops you, "Tommy."

"I'm sorry, Max," you apologize, turning around.

"What's going on? You've never acted like this before," she says.

"Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course."

"I like you, Max," you sigh, knowing she's been dating Lucas since Snow Ball, "I've liked you since the day you first came to Hawkins."

"Please welcome, all the way from sunny California.... Maxine!" Mr. Clarke says. You watch as the redhead cringes at her own name.

"It's Max," she corrects him.

"I'm sorry?"

"Nobody calls me Maxine. It's Max," she says. She walks to the back of the classroom, sits in the empty desk next to you.

"Hey, I'm Thomas," you introduce yourself, "But don't you dare call me that. Everyone calls me Tommy."

She smiles slightly, "Okay, don't you dare call me Maxine."

"I won't, Max," you reply. She smiles more as Mr. Clarke continues to lecture.

"Tommy, I'm sorry, I didn't know," she sighs.

"I know," you admit, "I'm sorry I was an ass to you and Lucas today."

"It's okay," she replies, "But I like Lucas, at least right now."

You chuckle, "so there's a chance for me if you guys break up?"

"Yeah," she smiles, "yeah there is."

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