The Drummer Part 2

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"I'm sorry, it's so messy in here," you apologize as you enter your house. Sadie follows you in.

"No it's okay, it's kinda my fault, since you weren't expecting anyone over," she says. You own a two bedroom house, nothing giant, one story. You go over to the second bedroom, where your husky Denali waits in his kennel, "oh my gosh! You have a puppy?"

"Yeah, this is Denali, he's 3 years old," you say letting him out. His big fluffy tail wags fast as he runs up to Sadie.

"He's adorable!" she says kneeling down to pet him, "hi baby, you're so cute."

"I'll give you a quick tour of the place while I let him out to go potty," you say. She gets up and follows you back out to the kitchen. Denali goes outside to go to the bathroom. You go back and show her your room across the hall from the other one, "this is my room."

She looks at the posters on the walls, MGK and Yungblud are your inspirations for drumming.

"I love your room," she smiles, looking around. She finds your record player, finding albums from One Direction, Taylor Swift, and Selena Gomez.

"You listen to Taylor Swift?" she asks.

"Yeah, I mean, we grew up listening to them," you say. She nods. Both of you are the same age, so it's true.

"That's cool, can I put it on?" she asks. You nod as you hear Denali at the door. You leave the room while she takes out the record.

Denali runs to your room, hearing Taylor Swift's Enchanted on the record player.

"This is actually one of my favorites!" you smile.

"I love all her songs," Sadie says, "Forcing laughter, faking smiles."

She begins to sing as you make your way over to her. She puts her arms around you and you begin to sway around the room.

"Vanished when I saw your face," she sings. You join in on the next line.

"All I can say is, it was enchanting to meet you," both of you sing. She looks up into your eyes as the next verse starts. Her face a blush pink, she smiles. You lean in slowly, she follows your lead.

Like passing notes in secrecy,

You kiss her.

"And it was enchanting to meet you," she sings to you.

"All I can say is, I was enchanted to meet you," you sing to her. She takes her hands off your neck and grabs yours instead. Both of you sing together.

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go. I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home. I'll spend forever, wondering if you knew, I was enchanted to meet you!"

You let go of one hand and spin her around. She smiles as she turns. Denali sits on the bed, watching you dance around the room with Sadie Sink at 3 in the morning.

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