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(All the pictures are from Sadie and Finn's Pull&Bear photoshoot, so just pretend you are in Finn's place. Or pretend you are Finn, whatever floats your boat)

Today is another photoshoot session for you. Today's collab is with Pull and Bear, a clothing company. Along with you, Sadie Sink, one of your costars from Stranger Things is going to be doing the shoot with you. You know her well enough for this to be fun, but you've never actually spent time outside of set alone with her.

"Okay, guys, we're gonna start in the studio. What do you want for music?" one of the photographers asks.

"You can pick," you tell Sadie, "I vibe with whatever."

"Okay," she answers. She asks for some Taylor Swift, after all that is one of her favorite singers. You begin to pose together and she's surprised when you know the words to her song August.

"I can see us, lost in the memory," you sing.

"You know this song?" she smiles.

"Yeah, I told you, I vibe with anything," you reply. She smiles and you both sing along to her song.

After some photos of each of you by yourself, it's time to pose together.

"We're going to give you a prop, for the video," the photographer gives you a fake camera. You take it into your hands, bringing the eyepiece to your eye, "Okay, stay right there."

You hear some clicks and they end up capturing this photo of you and Sadie.

You hear some clicks and they end up capturing this photo of you and Sadie

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"That's great keep it up," the photographer instructs.

"Sadie, come get in front of my camera," you tell her. She stands up and runs around, getting a couple of images. But it isn't until she returns behind you after you tell her she's ruining the shot as a joke. The crew laugh and she makes a face at them.

"Great, now let Sadie take the camera," the photographer says

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"Great, now let Sadie take the camera," the photographer says

"Aww, I like holding the camera though," you pour. She takes the prop from your arms and whispers

"You can hold something else if you'd like."

After this picture you smile

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After this picture you smile. You stay in the moment for a second before she pushes away and says "My turn!"

Once done with the camera prop, you both go to different locations to continue the photoshoot

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Once done with the camera prop, you both go to different locations to continue the photoshoot. At the end of the shoot you have to record 'an interview' with her. Back on set they leave you two alone to record it.

"Hey, Sadie," you start recording

"Hi," she says

"I forgot tell you something the other day before you left," you tell her. They want it to be as if you are calling each other.

"You always call me when you forget something," she laughs. She smiles, looking into your eyes as you talk into the audio recorder.

"Yeah, no, I know I do, anyways..." you get flustered by her, "like the thing we were shooting for Pull and Bear with Matteo, he asked me to interview you."

"Alright, well you're going to be professional you swear though, right?"

"Yeah, total professional journalist, I swear," you exclaim

"At least don't ask me the same questions," she smiles

"I was just thinking about like, real hard-hitting stuff, you know? And let me know if this is gonna work, but... What do you think about our generation?"

"Seriously? Come on," she jokes

"What do you think about the 80's and waffles," you joke

She says your name, laughing, "Come on!"

"Okay, sorry," you smile. This is where they end the video, but the raw audio keeps going as you ask, "Okay... what about me? What do you think of me?"

"I think you're a dork," she smiles, "but a cute dork."

"And why do you think I'm a dork?"

"Cause of all your silly questions!" she exclaims

"Okay, one more question: did you have fun today?"

"Yes. Doing a shoot with you was an absolute blast and I hope we can do it again," she smiles. You hit the 'stop' button on the recorder, "My turn to ask a question."

"It's not recording," you tell her

"This doesn't need to be recorded," she explains, "I like you."

Your heart flutters, "I like you too, Sadie."

She smiles and you shoot your shot, "Do you wanna go get some food? Like a date?"

She smiles, "I'd love to."

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