Mistakes Were Made

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"Turn around, look at what you see!" Max and Lucas sing, "in her face, the mirror of your dreams!"

Dustin frowns at the singing.

"Rhymes that keep their secrets, will unfold behind the clouds!" you decide to join in.

"Wait, did we get that verse right? It's 'unfold behind the clouds'?" Max asks jokingly. She smiles your way and you feel somewhat nervous.

"Yeah, but you're butchering it, so could you please stop?" he asks, very much annoyed that you all got to hear a song that was special to him.

"So then join in, Dusty-bun," Lucas teases.

"Yeah, come on, Dusty-bun, why don't you join us?" Max taunts, she looks at you again and you can't help but smile back at her rosy cheeks.

"You guys are so funny, you should be on Carson," he says sarcastically.

"Can't we just head your rendition?" Max asks.

"No," he shuts down.

"Please? Just one verse?" she begs.

"No! No way. It's reserved for Suzie's ears and Suzie's ears alone," Dustin explains. You begin to pack up another box.

"Turn around," Lucas and Max start again, "look at what you see!"

Dustin groans out loud as you finish packing up the last box. Lucas and Max stop singing as you all get up to take the boxes outside.

"Lucas, Dustin, will you help Jonathan with this?" Joyce comes in and asks. The boys nod and follow her out of the house.

"Hey, are you okay? You've been kinda quiet today," Max asks you.

"Yeah, no, I'm okay. Everything's kinda just hitting me now," you explain. She looks down and nods, "how have you been?"

"Better here than at home," she admits, "Neil's still in denial."

"I'm sorry," you say. She sniffles for a second before wiping a tear away.

"It's all good... or it will be, eventually," she says. You nod, not knowing what to say.

"If you ever need to get out of your house, you can always hang out with me," you offer. She looks up, smiling.

"Thanks," she says. You hug her and she holds on tight. You let her hug you as long as she needs, not pulling away first. When she does, she comes back with watery eyes. You wipe them away with your hands before taking her back into another hug.

She lets go eventually, eyes dry. You both take some boxes out to the U-Haul. You watch as Eleven and Will begin to say their goodbyes. Will comes up to you crying.

"I'm gonna miss you so much," he cries.

"I know, it's okay," you tell him. You take him by the shoulders, "Even though we might be physically apart, I am always here. I will always be here for you. Don't ever forget that."

His lip quivers, "I w-won't."

"Good," you say, your eyes starting to water. You hug him again before Eleven comes up to you too.

"Don't forget me," she whispers.

"Never," you answer. After all the hugs and final goodbyes have been said, you watch with Max, Lucas, Mike, Nancy, and Dustin as the Byers drive away.

"Hey," Max comes up to you, "can we talk?"

"Uh, yeah, is something wrong?" you ask.

"No, no, I just... I need to tell you something," she explains. She looks down at her feet.

"You can tell me anything, Max," you say, grabbing her hand. She looks up at you, nervous.

"Okay... well. I like you," she admits.

"Like-like?" you question.

"Yeah," she answers blankly. You don't say anything, just standing in place. It makes her upset, "you know what? I shouldn't have said anything."

She begins to storm off.

"Wait, Max!" you call out to her. She ignores you, tears streaming down her face, "Max, wait! Max!"

She climbs on her bike and rides away. Mike and Nancy, who are the only ones still at the house, watch in confusion as Max speeds down the driveway.

"What happened?" Nancy asks you. You sigh and walk over to them.

"Max just told me she liked me," you tell them. Nancy's eyes grow wide.

"What did you say?" Mike asks you.

"I... I didn't say anything," you admit.

"What?!" he exclaims.

"I was in shock! I wasn't expecting it!" you defend.

"Do you like her back?" Nancy asks.

"Yeah, I mean, I've never been in a relationship... but she makes me happy," you explain.

"Oh my," she sighs.

"What?" you ask.

"You made the same mistake I did."

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