And the Hits Keep Coming

Start from the beginning

"After you," she teased. A playful huff escaped me as I made to step up into the SUV.

Before I could manage it, Angelica's coffee hit the ground.

In the next instant her hands met my chest as she shoved me. Hard.

Off balance from having been halfway into the car, I stumbled back a few feet.

"What the hell?" Devyn asked, leaping forward to catch my arm. I don't know what unspoken communication went on between Brandon and Angelica, but before Devyn could reach me, Brandon was yanking her back. Angelica dove after me, catching me around the waist. My breath left me when she landed on top of me.

And then the car exploded.

The screaming was lost in the sound of metal shrieking and glass breaking. My ears were ringing, and I was pretty sure I could feel blood pooling beneath my head. Whether it was Angelica's or mine I couldn't be sure. All I knew was that she wasn't moving.

"Angel?" I said, coughing as the heat scorched my lungs. We needed to go. "Angel, c'mon."

For just a moment, I couldn't tell if she was breathing. But then she coughed, a deep groan heaving from her as she shoved herself up. There was glass in her hair, and a cut leaking blood across her forehead. Her eyes were a little unfocused as she blinked down at me. But she shook her head, and when she met my gaze there was a determination there that I was coming to recognize within the gang.

"Can you move?" she asked.

"Not with you on top of me."

Despite the current state of events, a coy smirk tilted her lips. When she got to her feet, she grabbed my hand and hoisted me up as well. "Remind me to tell Vincent that I had his girl underneath me. It'll haunt him for weeks."

"Angel, can you not do this right now?" Brandon chimed in, sounding exasperated as he made it to us. Devyn was with him. Her eyes were so wide I could see the whites all the way around her pupils.

"We've got to get them out of here."

"No, wait," I said, raising my hand to silence them as my eyes scanned the pandemonium around us.


On the opposite side of the square, a flash of bronze hair and tawny eyes. There was an unreadable expression on his face as our gazes met.


"Motherfucker," I hissed, taking off after him.

"Jules!" three voices chorused behind me. But I was already gone.

They could catch up.

The back of my head was throbbing, and every muscle in my body was screaming at me to stop. But I pushed my legs harder. He had to have eyes on us. I hadn't left the warehouse in two weeks, and he just happens to be able to find us and plant a bomb on the car? Without any of the others seeing him? There was no way.

There was also no way I was going to catch him. He was blocks ahead of me, weaving in and out of people with ease. But every once in a while, he'd stop just long enough to glance over his shoulder. He was taunting me, and we both knew it. He came to an abrupt stop, turning far enough to give me a grin before ducking into an alley.

I slowed my pace. He wasn't going to trap me again. And I was in no shape to fight him either. Everything was still a little hazy, and I could barely hear anything out of my right ear. Bracing my hands on my knees, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone.

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