Game Over!

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I stay hidden in the shadows, edging closer and closer, this game of cat and mouse has been going on for four days, both of us only going out in the darkness, trying to stay off grid, he stays blissfully unaware that he's being followed, as i wait eagerly for him to enter the darkness of the tunnel. As he enters I douse a rag in chloroform and sneak up behind him. In an instant I have the rag over his face, as he tries to struggle but it's no use, I keep my firm grip until he goes limp in my arms, I have about 5 minutes before the effects wear off, so I move quickly, dragging him to my car that's parked just out of sight, I open the boot pulling out some thick rope and bind his hands and feet, before placing a sack over his head, and taking his phone away! I place him in the boot and make my way to a an abandoned farm house on the outskirts of Duskwood. I shoot Alan a quick text telling him to meet me there, as the adrenaline courses through my veins like boiling lava, I will have my revenge! Nearly an hour passes before I reach the house and find Alan eagerly awaiting outside!

Alan: Let's get this son of a bitch inside and get him talking!

We forcefully drag him from the boot kicking and screaming, it's about time he understood what it feels like to be on the recieving end! We take him down to the basement and shackle him to the wall. Alan leans over to pull his mask off as he stares at us in disbelief and total bewilderment!

Alan: Hello Thomas! You didn't think you could hide from us did you?!

Thomas: What's going on Alan?! And you!! I thought you were dead!!

Jake: That's what they all think, best way to stay under the radar! Did you really think we would let you get away with what you did to MC?!

Thomas: Alan your the chief of police you'll lose your badge for this!!

Alan: Let me tell you a little secret Thomas, when I was investigating all of you, my late sisters name popped up, and we hadn't spoken for many years, so I had no idea she had a child, that child just so happens to be MC, so if you think I'm not willing to put down my badge for my niece you are very much mistaken!

Thomas: I don't believe you!

Jake: Oh well you should! So where is he?!

Thomas: He drugged me and tied me to a stake do you really think I know where he is?!!

Jake: I know full well you know where he is, I've been following you for four days, I've heard you on the phone with him, so you either tell us, or we'll get creative!

Thomas: look he will kill me if I tell you!

Jake: I can assure you he's the least of your worries!

Thomas: If anything Otis did you a favour! All of this happened because of MC!! I lost everything because of her!! I'm glad she's dead!!


With that I lunge at him grabbing him by the shirt, landing my fist to his face repeatedly, ignoring his plea's for me to stop, just like he did to MC when he attacked her, I'm so full of rage i don't stop until Alan pulls me off, leaving Thomas's face a bloody mess!

Alan: Well you grew some balls at the wrong time didn't you Thomas! Are you ready to talk yet?!

Thomas: FUCK YOU!!!

Jake: Alan get the bat!!

Alan heads upstairs and grabs the bat,  handing it to me as he comes down, I swing with force at Thomas's torso, and all I can think about is the brute force he hit MC with, it only takes two hits before he caves!

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