y🅾️u L☯Ve ⓂE nah ⁉️ part 3

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"Your betrayal is still piercing my heart same way it does that day...I know it's been more than four years but wounds that you gave me is still fresh like all those things happened just yesterday. I burned all these days in fire of revenge but now my wait is over. You left me for money but what you will do now. This time I will come into your life but not because of love instead for destroying...what you thought by hiding from me you can escape from my revenge...no...no...Ridhima Raichand. You will also cry the way I am crying." He was standing in front of mirror and getting ready for the meet. His eyes were spitting fire and pain. He not anymore that sweet and shy vansh.

When someone knocked the door then vansh turned back and saw the person. Vansh gave a faint smile her " Angre is waiting for you"

Vansh: ask him to have breakfast. I am coming.

Person nodded and left the room. Vansh also collected the files and left after her. When vansh reached the dinning area then found whole family was waiting for him. He greeted them and they also greeted him back.

Angre: bhai, I don't understand why are you dealing with Raichands. They are not that successful now.

Vansh looked at him, before he can say anything a person in late fifties spoke "beta you don't understand business as well as he. He don't want to deal with them but he want to overtake them." Vansh smriked and nodded "Angre Dad is right."

Dad: I know you are gem vansh that is why you are new CEO of our company instead Angre.

Angre: dad I am learning from him.

Lady that was sitting near angre eyes him something and then he signals to the other two ladies. Angre with nervousness " bhai siya want to ask something".
Siya glared him and then said " maa and dadi want ask something" vansh looked at them.

Dadi: beta wo...I was thinking....to marry

Everyone shouted " dadi...you want to marry" she quickly corrected " I was saying that vansh you should get married not me" when she asked for marriage then only one face came in front of him "Ridhima's". His eyes get teary. Vansh with poker face " dadi marriage is not everything. And I don't want to marry anyone"

Dadi: beta but you cannot spend your life like this. For whom you are earning so much. If your family will be there then you can spend on them.

Vansh: you all are my family and I don't need anyone else. Why are you saying like this .....I would have my family, don't you consider me as your family.

Dadi: beta aise nhi hai. You are taking me wrong.

Vansh looked other side as he want hid his tear. Lady that was sitting behind dad, she stood up and came to vansh " you are my son like Angre. What happen if didn't gave birth to you but you are my son...get it" she hugged him and he reciprocated. She looked at dadi " maa, if vansh don't want to marry then no will talk about it anymore."

Dadi: Anupriya, we also love him but it's age for marriage.

Anupriya: no ifs and but...no will talk about his marriage.

Angre: bhai we should call Raichand here coz they need this deal more than us.why we are going to them.

Vansh: I have to fix more things with them than this deal. So for that I have to go there and find out that.

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