will you still love me ? part 2

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I know I am late but I can't do anything and next chapter will also going to late....ek chapter bacha hai
Jhel yrr....i know many must be feeling irritated when I didn't reply to them but..sorry for that....
This chapter I wrote in hurry....so may be it lack emotions or base....i gave for the sake of update as all are waiting since....ut ane manse nhi likha h...

Episode starts

It was shown that vansh was sitting in the office of an orphanage and talking about some donation
When a lady enter and complained about one girl to the chief.

Lady: ma'am Riva again showing tantrums in eating.

Chief: did she had her medicine?

Lady: no, I don't understand why we are keeping this mental with us...we should send her to mental asylum.

Chief: I know what i have to do...send her to my office.

She went out and chief apologised to vansh for disturbance.

Lady came with Riva....when vansh saw her, his eyes watered and quickly getting up he engulfed her in embrace...

Vansh: Ridhima why did you left me.....

Lady: what are you doing sir?

Chief: yes, mr. Raisinghania

Riva too pushed him.

Vansh: Ridhima, me your vansh....i know I did I mistake by saying all that....i shouldn't. Please me.

Lady: sir she is riva and how come you know this mental.

Vansh: shut up, she is not mental...she is my wife Ridhima.

Chief: you are mistaken...she not any ridhima..Riva did you know him.

Riva nodded negatively...." I am sorry Ridhima....but don't say like this. I know you are doing all this because you are hurt.....i am sorry that I rejected your proposal that day, and lost two important person of my life"

Chief: beta you go and eat food.

Riva again nodded and moved out....

Vansh: I Want to talk to her...

Chief: Mr Raisinghania....you are mistaken. She is not your wife.....and when did she married you....you know because of her mental issue we never send her out....she is living her since childhood.

Vansh: childhood?

Chief: yes, mr. Raisinghania....she is living here since her childhood.....and I heard that you lost your wife in an accident.

Vansh: I want to see her paper.

Chief: sure sir......

Chief showed him her papers and he was shocked with the piece of information.

Vansh: want to meet her....

Chief: you can't sir.

Vansh: please ma'am.....try to understand.

Chief: okay

They moved to her room....when vansh saw the room he became shocked because it was one bed size room....
She was was lying on the carpet on floor...in this heavy winter...he cursed himself for her condition....once she was queen of the palace now she is living bathroom size room.He closed his eyes.

Rihaan and Riansh OS # immj2 Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora