Chapter 56

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        I'm in the living room with the phone in my hand. I find Taehyung's contact and make a call to him.

He doesn't answer me, and I make a call again.

He still doesn't answer me, and I make the call again and again until I am sick of it.

I grumble. He's always like this when he's already made use of me.

I clench my hands. How dare he ghost on me after he gets what he wants?

I'm pretty sure he knows so much about me. But he never let me know. Because to him, I'm stupid. It's my second time being fooled by him. Fuck him!

I pinch my eyes closed. I really want to know what Jungkook has to do with me.

I remember seeing an old photo in Jungkook's study room. I have an instinct that a photo could tell me something.

I badly want to enter that room again, but it is always locked.

Where should I find the key? It must be with him.

But actually, it's not impossible if he keeps it here. It's just at a hidden place.

I quickly go to the bedroom and open his closet.

His closet is so neat. I'm scared to touch anything because I'm worried if he can tell the difference.

My eyes examine the second compartment of his closet that has his shirts stacked up neatly. I notice there's an A4 envelope under the shirts.

Shit, I really don't dare touch anything, but I'm curious.

It just looks weird to keep a document in the closet. I really need to take a look.

I press his shirts down and pull out the envelope from under his shirts.

Fuck, I pull it out, together with some of his shirts.

I put the envelope on the bed and looked at the unaffected shirt to see how his shirts were folded.

I sit on the floor and start folding his shirts.

Then, I pick them up to put them on the bed.

I need to look at the envelope first before putting the shirts on because I need to return the envelope to its original place anyway.

I opened the envelope and what a disappointment it was.

It's just a document about his business, which I was never interested in.

I'm troubling myself for nothing! And I'm even pregnant now. Getting up and getting down is not really easy.

I slipped the envelope under the shirts. It messes with the shirts a little bit, so I fix them. Then I pick up the shirts from the bed to pile on the rest of his shirts.

I examine his shirt carefully. It looks fine to me. He probably won't notice a small difference. I close his closet.

I let out a sigh. The key, or any other important thing, is probably not in his closet. It's in his study room. Fuck, I hate him.

But, I'm bored anyway. I should try looking at other places.

I go to the living room and search through the TV cabinet.

He has a lot of business and political magazines here.

I pick up a random magazine. When it's about Bliss Company, I examine the magazine carefully.

It's a 1996 issue and it's about Jeon Minho.

I flip through the magazine until it's about him.

I scanned through the interview, and when he mentioned his son, I carefully read it.

Who? (Jungkook FF)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora