Chapter 52

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         Dami's dead eyes stare into the space, unblinking.
Deep inside her, she is worried about y/n. And the guilt that she is to blame for Seohwa's death haunts her.
She cries hysterically out of the burst in her chest and trembles.
She could lose her sanity at this point. 
Minho is such a curse on her life. 
          Dami frowned, staring at Minho unpleasantly. "She's pregnant?"
"Yeah," said Minho, almost voiceless as he felt guilty.
"What about my child, then?????" Dami asked, panicking, and she almost cried.
"Still my child." 
"No!" She yelled and turned away.
Minho grabbed Dami's arm and pulled her to face him again. 
"Let me go!" shrieked her. 
"Please listen to me. I still want our child," he said, and she stopped struggling, staring at him seriously to hear what he was about to say. She hoped at least something would convince the child's future and hers. 
"I.. I-I will promise to care about our child and you too."
"Is that all you can say now?" asked Dami angrily.
"Honey, what do you want?" he asked.
Heat burned her chest. "How can you ask me that?" What do I want? You've told me that your wife can't give you a successor! I gave you a child and now you're telling me, you already have a child? What if my child is then? A mistress' illegal child?????"
"Dami, calm down," he convinced her. He understood that Dami wanted her child to be a successor. He can't blame her because that's what he's promising indirectly. 
"I'll give you 15% of my properties to our child. And 5% for you as well. I'll do it now, honey. I'm so sorry, "said Minho.
It's just 20% overall but she knew how much is it already. 
But still, it's not as much as how her child is supposed to be a successor.
But what could she do?
She couldn't say anything and turned away from him. 
"Leave me alone, Minho. At least just for today, "said Dami, and walked into her room. 
Minho let her go as she looked like she needed some time and space to calm down. 
Dami closed the door, leaned her back against the door, and slid her back until she sat on the floor.
"Fuck you, Minho." She clenched her hands and then pinched her eyes closed. 
She placed her hand on her baby bump. The baby was 7 months old in her womb, and he's a boy.
She reminisced about the memory of how happy she was when she found out that the baby was a boy. But fuck everything, because he would be called a mistress's child now. 

And all that she'd imagined had been destroyed in a blink of the eyes.

           Minho gently caressed Yeonji's baby bump. He was lying on the bed with her. 
His successor... But he felt so bad for Dami.
Yeonji noticed Minho didn't look as if he was affectionate towards the foetus in her womb, but he was lost in thought. 
His eyes were filled with worry and guilt.
"Minho, what's wrong?" she asked. 
His mind was pulled to reality. "What?" he asked her. 
"I know you're thinking about something. Is it about Dami? And her child? "asked Yeonji straight.
"Uh, no," he lied because he knew how much Yeonji had jealousy towards Dami.
"Honey, why are you hiding things from me? Do you think I will go crazy if you talk about Dami? " asked Yeonji. 
Minho didn't answer her. 
"Honey.. Now, I'm fine with Dami. Back then, I just spoke ill of her because I was worried about myself. I even understand her situation too. Have you given her the new agreement?" asked Yeonji.
"Not yet. I think that will hurt her, "said Minho.
"You have to do it. This is for our son's future. to keep him safe in the future. You have to. And I promise I will take care of her child as my child too. But it has to be in that way. You understand me, right?" asked Yeongji.
Minho nodded.

"This is for our child, you know... " Yeonji said and put her hand on Minho's hand on her belly. Then, she looked at Minho, meeting his eyes directly.

Minho nodded again.

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