Chapter 28

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"I-I swear to God, If she's already pregnant, it won't harm the baby. The contraceptive pills are doing nothing for the established baby. Or fetus, or even just embryo" says Hana to Haejin. And then she shifts her eyes to the side, taking a quick glance at the crazy guy who just almost choked her to death.

Jungkook still looks angry and unconvinced with her explanation.

"So, it cuts off the possibility of her getting pregnant from the recent intercourse" asks Haejin. 

"Yes. It's just that. This drug is just working like post intercourse for the birth control pills. It doesn't kill anybody's child, please believe me"

Jungkook clenches his hands. He just has a feeling that y/n would get pregnant from their last intercourse. And this bitch just said to stop that one like she's doing nothing wrong??? 

"And you guys know it that abortion pills can't be just sold in the pharmacy. It is controlled drugs, only hospitals can have it" continues Hana to assure both of them. 

Haejin takes a glance at Jungkook. This girl is really asking to be killed.

Jungkook kicks the rack out of frustration and some bottles fall onto the floor.

It causes Hana to jump in shock. She looked at the bottles scattered on the floor in worry.

"Sir, please" she cries, thinking of the damage and how much she will lose. 

"Let's say if she's in high possibility of getting pregnant from the last intercourse. How many pills will stop that?" asks Haejin.

Hana turns her head at Haejin. She starts to get what these guys come for. At first, she thought he was mad because he mistook if the contraceptive pills worked like the abortion pills. But it comes out that he was angry if the pills she gave would stop the possibility for that girl to get pregnant. This guy is so desperate and nonsense.

"It depends on her body, sir. And if she takes the pills on time too. Please... What I was doing was not illegal. I just sell the pills and it's always the customer's choice. You can check the CCTV, I don't force her. I-"

Haejin's phone rings, interrupting the situation but yet a little bit of relief to Hana because what she's said still did not look like convincing Jungkook at all. 

Haejin takes the call and presses the phone against his ear. "She checked into the Denim Hotel last night. Room 1126 under Kim Hyeri's name" 

Haejin can't believe she's in Gwacheon. Probably, she thinks using a fake name is enough to put her in undercover.

He never thought there's something called easier than just easy. The girl is just too amateur. 

          I have been lying on the bed for quite a long time. I turn my head at the wall clock. 

It's almost noon now. I can't actually sleep since last night. 

I still don't feel safe. It's like as long as I'm still in this country, I won't feel safe. 

I have a thought of leaving for oversea. But I need my citizenship card and my passport. They're all in my mom's house. 

I am worried if Jungkook has already placed his people to guard there. 

Shit, even though I'm free, nothing really changes now. I literally live in fear.

I get off the bed and walk to the curtain. I flip it open and hold. I look out of the window for the scenery.

It's nothing but the heavy traffic. 

Actually, it still blows my mind that all the time I am in Gwacheon, just very near to Seoul. All the places that Jungkook had taken me too, I thought he kidnapped me to the end of South Korea. Damn, it just proves I am so stupid at geography. 

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