Chapter 11

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             I flip the curtain to see the sky. The sky is starting to darken. I panic. 

"Fuck, fuck. Sun, please rise up. Rise up. Please" 

I hear the door knocking and open and I quickly turn my head at the doorway. 

I see a housekeeper. "Lady, do you wanna have your dinner here or down there?" 

"No, thank you. I'm not hungry" said me. 

"But the head housekeeper says you have to eat your dinner"

I frown. "Why?"

"I don't know. Maybe it's not good to skip the meal?" says her. 

I roll my eyes. "Here" 

"Okay, lady" 

          I hold my blanket tightly. I turn my head to the wall clock. Fuck it's 9.16 pm now. 

If I fake a sleep, he won't come to wake me, right? 

My heart pounds violently. Time is ticking and keeps ticking.

I hear the door open and I quickly pull the blanket over my head and I close my eyes. 

"Lady?" I heard a woman's voice coming right in front of my face.

My chest relieves. At least it's a housekeeper. Not him.

"Lady, you can't sleep yet" said her. 

I don't answer her and keep pretending to sleep. 

I am shocked when suddenly, my blanket is pulled down completely. 

But I still keep going with my acting. My eyes still close, I fake a stretch and a yawn. 

"Lady, you can continue sleeping when you're in the bath," says her. 

So, she just wakes me up for me to get a bath. I ignore her. 

"Lady, wake up". I hear another deep strict female voice. My acting becomes awkward suddenly. 

I open my eyes and to my shock, I see like ten housekeepers here. 

I get scared and I scoot myself backward to the headboard. 

"What do you guys all wanna do to me?" 

Chunja steps forward and says, "You need a long bath. Aren't your skin a little bit rougher? You've been playing outside a lot these days".

I frown. "Even so, I can bathe by myself. I have legs, I have hands. Leave me alone" 

"Lady, please stop being stubborn. You already know what tonight means" 

My lips part away. So, that old lady already knows. 

     I am lying in the rounded bathtub. It isn't in the bathroom inside my room. It is like a special bathroom that is big as fuck. 

I bet it's bigger than the living room of my mom's house. 

My hands spreaded for the housekeepers to rub them with the bath sponge. 

Another two housekeepers are doing something with my feet. Sometimes, they tickle me and I'm laughing. 

I am in my underwear and covered with the bubble

I don't know what they put in the water but it feels silky smooth and the scent is good too. 

To be honest, it feels so good right now. I feel very relaxed. 

Now, I know why rich people like to be bathed.

Who? (Jungkook FF)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora