Chapter 18

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      I open my eyes. 

I don't know why but I feel reborn as soon as I wake up.  

I am lying on my stomach and my face buried in the pillow. That's a really good sleeping position. No wonder, I feel so great.

I turn my body to look at the surroundings.

I am not familiar with this room. But why am I here? 

I try to think. 

My eyes widen, I get up sitting.

Fuck! I just remembered that fucking stupid dance and.... That thing too. 

And I just noticed the sound of loud music. It reaches here but slower.

I look at myself under the blanket and I am still in the fishnet.

This outfit is kinda giving me a trauma because my mood is sinking down as soon as I see it. 

I am very bothered. Very bothered!

Those moments keep playing in my head even though I don't want to recall.

I click my tongue and roll my eyes, and then I catch the glance of a dress hung at the wall. 

A modest dress.  

It looks so comfortable. Since it is here, maybe it is for me. 

I get up and go to get it. 

I study the dress in my hand. It looks pretty and comfortable.

But thinking back, I can't believe since he made me wear a stupid fishnet, I amaze this dress so much even though it is just actually a normal dress.

God, I'm desperate for clothes.

Then, I see my underwear and my shoes around the dress. 


Since the fishnet is already torn, I just tear it off my body. 

Then, I put on real clothes. Something that deserves to be called clothes. 

I grin from ear to ear. This feels so fresh. 

Then, I turn my head at the fishnet. Euww, disgusting shit. I won't be seeing this shit anymore. 

But reality hits me. I won't if I escape. 

I look ahead and I see the door. 

I'm determined. I'm fucking going to escape!

I walk to the door. I'm about to open the door until I hear a conversation outside.

I lean my ear against the door to eavesdrop. 

"Do you want a drink?". It's a male voice.

"Yeah, gimme" That's another male voice.

Then, I hear him gurgling. "Ahhh, do I get older? My knees weak, standing here"

"Fuck it. You're just getting lazy. I told you to go exercise, didn't I? "

Obviously, someone is guarding the door. 

I recall that he brought so fucking many bodyguards here. Of course he would place some here.

I pull my ear off the door and my face pinch in disappointment.

There's never an easy game from him.

I look around, looking for the window.


But I see the big curtain. It can be the sliding door to the balcony.

If I'm on the second floor, I will jump! 

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