chapter 41

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    I open my eyes and find myself in bed. 

I don't remember how I ended up in bed. But all I remember is that last night, it was a hell to me.

He's so rough. I recall how every time I scream, he's enjoying it. 

Now I just realised, he has sex with me not just because the lust. He just wants to exert his power on me, dominates me, makes me submissive like I'm fucking his slave.

If it is for the lusts, I'm sure he could find many women out there. 

I clench my hands. I shouldn't entertain him anymore. If he's going to do that again, I'll make sure to seal my lips tight, expressionless like he's fucking a doll! 

I hear the door open and my eyes straight shift to there.

I see Jungkook is in a suit. Like usual, it's morning, he's going to leave for whatever his business. 

Our eyes meet. Too bad that I don't have a chance to pretend that I'm sleeping.

"Let's eat, y/n. I'll wait for you at the table for five minutes. If I don't see you, I'll come to feed you by my own hand" says him and he closes the door.

Seeing his face alone makes me want to vomit and he expects me to eat with him?

And he thinks I already stopped? 

Fuck him, I won't be fucking stop and keep rebelling. 

I admit it's painful and tiring to be against him. But if I keep giving in, this shit won't stop.

I will still fight... But how? 

He's crazy...

I have to be crazy too. 

I feel a sudden energy possess my body. I will be acting really crazy.

I get up, put on a shirt and I walk out of the room to the dining table where he is.

I stand in front of him, a metre away from him, I stare at him with eyes as sharp as an eagle.

He feels my present, so he lifts his head at me. 

He keeps a calm expression. "Come, sit down here" says him, tilting his head at the chair beside him.

I don't respond and keep staring at him. 

He leans in,  the he balls his tongue against his cheek. This woman stares at him like she's possessed by a ghost. What a crazy bitch. 

I see Jungkook open his mouth, about to say something, so I quickly shout, "No!!"

"I say fucking no!!! No! No!!" I grumble alone and I really act like I'm fucking crazy.

I stop, panting and I stare at him again.

He's so calm that he just watches me with that expression. But who knows if he just holds it in. 

Still, I want to be crazier than this.

I turn my head around. I see a flower vase on the other table.

I go to take it, lift it up.  "No!!" I shout and throw it down, hard onto the floor.

Jungkook loses his patience. He grabs his tie, pulling it loosen. "Ah, this fucking crazy bitch has fucking ruined my fucking mood" mutters him angrily.

Then he goes to me and yells,  "Are you crazy??!"

"Yes!!! I am!  I'm crazy as fuck!!" I yell back, then I take a piece of glass, I point at him. 

He frowns in unpleased. To him, y/n has crossed the line. She's been rebelling since yesterday and he already punished her several times but she's still acting like this!

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