Chapter 47

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       I fill the water from the dispenser in the refrigerator. 

I sip the water, then I turn my body and I almost jump out when I see Jungkook.

"God.. Why do you keep following me??" asks me with a displeased frown.

"Because I have set that today I'm going to spend my time with you for the whole day" says him and he takes a forward step at me. 

"You gotta appreciate it. Because it's hard for me to take a day off. I do this only for you, babe" 

He is so close to me again. Why does this guy overwhelm me so much? 

No response, he tilts his head at me, then he brings his face so close to me. 

I really don't know why he's so clingy to me. And he even acts like we haven't been fighting all the time. 

"So, you're so busy? What are you doing actually?" asks me. 

A smirk is curled on his face. "So, you care about me?" 

"No. You're just fucking rich in suspicious way"

He chuckles. "Really? Suspicious? What do you think?"

"Selling drugs, prostution and probably.. No, very likely you're running illegal casinos''

He scoffs, "Oh, I'm that evil?" Then he pulls a cocky smirk at me. "So,  shouldn't you be scared of me?" asks him.

I look at his eyes and I put up my guard. This guy is scary. He doesn't deny, it means it's really true. 

Suddenly, he takes glass from my hand. He looks for my lip print and he drinks from the same spot as mine. 

I just stand still in front of him. But I feel so relieved that I'm freed from his question.

"Tomorrow is Shin Woo's party. You'll be going to the spa at noon" says him and sips the water again.

I frown. Shin Woo's party?? Oh, that thing. He already told me before. 

Damn, I'm so lazy.

"Must I go?" asks me. 

His eyes shift at me. Damn sharp eyes.. Is he angry? 

"I don't ask for your agreement"

I bite my lower lip slightly. Shit. "Noon is too early to get ready" I say. 

"I got you a professional body massage. I know your body aches" says him, putting down the glass on the counter and he walks away. 

I clench my hand. Damn he knows very well that my body aches because of his fucking stupid lust, shouldn't he at least be sorry??? 


           I lay on my side in the spa's bed. Damn, the women here are so good at massaging. My muscles relax, I feel so damn happy and I literally can spend my whole day here.

I love it the most when they massage my baby bump. It is so relaxing. 

Later, I feel like they're almost done and sadly, I want a longer session. 

It feels safe and I'm comfortable to be here.

One of the massagers adjusts the head of the bed to the sitting position, bringing me to sit. 

"Lady, it's done now. Do you feel good?"

I curl a smile at her. "So much" 

"Do you still feel sore anywhere?"

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