Chapter 37

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       Sound of knocking on the door gets Jungkook's eyes shifted from Dami's photo to the doorway. 

One of his bodyguard opens the door a little bit and says, "Master, Shin Jungjae comes to see you"

"Let him in," says Jungkook.

Shin Jungjae fixes his tie and then walks past the bodyguard to Jungkook's office.

He's been working with Jungkook for two weeks but the nervousness he has to see him, it's the same as his first time

Jungkook looks at Jungjae, waiting for him to say something.

"Master, I-I have something to say about your schedule..." Jungjae pauses and looks at Jungkook. His stare sharpened at him, causing him to stutter again. 

"A-according to your schedule, you have a business party to attend"

Jungkook leans into his seat again. It's not that serious, this guy is just so freaking out. 

And that party, probably, was what Yeongji talked about before and he just remembered.

"Whose party?" asks Jungkook.

"Shi Woo, master" 

"Shi, Woo.." Jungkook mutters, closing his eyes and rests his forehead against his finger tips. He's trying to remember something about this company. He knows it's a big and stable company but there's just something personal about that company.

"Ahhh.." Jungkook opens his eyes again when he just remembered.

So, it's about y/n actually. 

He used to claim that he's working as an auditor there. 

Some quick memories play in his head, a smirk pulled on his corner lips. 

Even though y/n has ruined his plan, he admits that she's quite smart at that time. 

Jungkook fixes his gaze back at Jungjae.

Jungjae notices Jungkook's mood elevated since he mentioned Shi Woo. 

"Invitation card" asks Jungkook.

Jungjae panicked. "I-I'm sorry, I don't have it with me now. I-I have it in my office. I'll go get it right now" says Jungjae and rushes out.

"Stop" says Jungkook.

Jung Jae turns at Jungkook. "Yes?"

Jungkook stares at him. What a fool. 

"Never mind" says Jungkook because he isn't dying for the invitation card and importantly he has something to ask that fool. 

"Come" says Jungkook with his fingers to sign Jungjae to come closer. 

Jungjae nervously takes three steps forward at Jungkook.

"Are you smart?" asks Jungkook?

"Ye-yes master.. W-why?"

"So, tell me.."

Jungjae gulps down his saliva.

"How to do a DNA test with the dead guy?" 

Jungjae's lips parted away. How could he know something like that? 

But he knows Jungkook won't take I don't know as the answer. 

"Er.. Uh.. It-it depends on when the man died..." Jungjae just blurts out. 

"1997" says Jungkook.

"Uh.. 1997.. So it is 2022 minus 1997.. So.." Jungjae mutters. He actually didn't expect Jungkook to entertain his stupid random answer that just got blurted out by his mouth. 

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