Chapter 33 | Have You Back

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I roll to the side of the bed and pull the blankets closer to my face, needing more sleep. The voice fades out, and I smile as I return to a world of soundless slumber. My slumber is disturbed once more by the same voice, and I groan as I pull the covers over my head. 

“Please wake up, zia.” The word zia finally registers in my mind, and I open my eyes, making me realise who is calling me.

I look to the side, a bit annoyed, but I smile at the adorable boy standing on the side of the bed. “Morning zia,” he chimes while placing the tray in his hands on the nightstand.

He leans closer to me as if he's about to tell me a secret, so I play along and move closer to listen to his little secret. “Uncle Vince made you breakfast because he couldn't be here to say good morning himself.”

I smile at the little boy. Vincenzo hasn't stopped pampering ever since I forgave him. I forgave him a month ago, and he has faltered even once.

He has told me he will never stop making up for hurting my feelings and even went further by saying that I deserve to be spoilt every single day like the queen I truly am.

He does make me feel like a queen with the way he has been treating me, talking to me, looking at me, and from everything he has been getting for me.

From expensive dresses and shoes to match the attire to shiny jewellery, which cost more than my university tuition. The man might wake up one day and decide to buy me a city if this continues.

I appreciate every single thing he has bought for me, but he truly doesn't have to buy more things to keep me happy because him treating me great is what makes me happier.

“That was nice of him,” I whisper back to Paolo, and he nods with that signature Martinelli smile. A wider smile forms on my face when I look at my breakfast.

It's a bowl of plain yoghurt with some granola and honey drizzled over the top, which is actually my favourite. And there's a small bowl of sliced strawberries and blueberries on the side.

“Did you have your breakfast yet?” He shakes his head in response before he tells me he was waiting for me to wake up. I sigh with a gentle smile while patting the empty space next to me on the bed.

Paolo climbs on the bed and sits right next to me, snuggling closer to my side. I lean over and grab the bowls of food, and hand him the bowl of yoghurt.

“You can have the yoghurt zia, I don't like granola,” he pouts while taking the bowl of strawberries and blueberries from my left hand. He bites into a strawberry slice, and I smile down at him before eating some of my yoghurt. “It's good to have you back,” he whispers between his chewing, melting my heart.

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Like the energetic little monster he is, Paolo runs into the kitchen while I try to keep up with his sudden burst of energy. The ten year old has enough energy to play a whole football game without a break. Might as well tell Lorenzo to sign him up for football or some sport that requires running.

“Stop being slow, zia!” He calls back to me as I truly try to catch him, but I'm too tired to even run as fast as I used to back on the track team.

I follow him into the kitchen, out of breath, and smile when his father picks him up like he isn't a damn big ten year old. Paolo tries to get away from his father, shouting about how he's too big to be picked up like a child.

Lorenzo laughs as he tosses his son in the air, and the boy laughs as he catches him again. His father throws him to his uncle Riccardo, who effortlessly catches him with one arm.

My heart almost leaps out of my chest, my nerves spiking higher than Mount Everest because they might drop him on his head or something like that, and I don't want him to get hurt.

Riccardo ruffles Paolo's dark hair, causing the boy to complain about messing it up before his uncle tosses him over to Matteo. “You're getting big little man,” Matteo laughs while holding his nephew upside down by his ankle with one hand.

Paolo places his hands on the floor, and Matteo lets go of him. Paolo walks on his hands for a second but begins to wobble. “No,” I panic when his movements become shakier.

I step forward to grab him in case he falls over, but Vincenzo grabs his ankle and lifts him up before he can hurt himself. “Uncle Vince!” Paolo laughs as Vincenzo begins to shake his nephew around. “No!” He laughs even louder.

I look up at Vincenzo with a smile, and my heart threatens to pop due to the warm, overwhelming feeling I'm getting. It's a good, loving feeling.

Watching him play with his nephew with such a wide, joyous smile makes me think of how he's going to act with his own child. I look away from them for a moment because my smile is starting to hurt.

My eyes trail back to Vincenzo moments later and go across his features. I get lost in his ruggish looks. His hair is attractively wet, probably from splashing himself with some water to cool himself down.

His long sleeved, black shirt is like a second layer of skin, which perfectly exposes each mouth watering curve and dip of his well sculpted upper body. And don't get me started about the way he looks in those basketball shorts.

“You done eye fucking me now?” Vincenzo snaps me out of my trance and I scoff while folding my arms. He flips Paolo around and he stands on his feet, a bit dizzy, but he still stands. Vincenzo walks to me and places his hand on the side of my face as he ask, “my love, are you ok?” I slowly nod and he pecks my lips.

His brothers softly laugh from behind us and I look at them with an arched brow. “My brother is such a romantic,” Matteo laughs while shaking his head. “You drive him crazy by the way,” he adds.

“Really?” I look up at Vincenzo. “How crazy?”

“We can go upstairs and I can show you,” he mutters.

I smile and his hand comes down to mine. He pulls me out of the kitchen, leaving his brothers and nephew behind, and I can't help but to imagine all the things he's going to do to me once we get upstairs.


imagine tossing around a ten year old boy crazy

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